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 You are in: Under Secretary for Political Affairs > Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs > Releases > Fact Sheets > 2007 
Fact Sheet
Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs
Washington, DC
February 20, 2007

Afghanistan Provincial Reconstruction Teams

  • The Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) were established in Afghanistan for the international community to provide improved security, extend the reach of the central government and facilitate reconstruction and economic development throughout the country. The United States and the international community envision the PRTs as transitional structures - they are established to support the elected Afghan government.

  • The PRTs have a broad mandate in bringing reconstruction to the people of Afghanistan:

    • They engage key government, military, tribal, village, and religious leaders in the provinces, while monitoring and reporting on important political, military and reconstruction developments.

    • They work with Afghan authorities to provide security, including support for key events such as the Constitutional Loya Jirga, presidential and parliamentary elections, and the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of militia forces.

    • They assist in the deployment and mentoring of Afghan national army and police units assigned to the provinces.

    • In partnership with the Afghan Government, the U.N., other donors and NGOs, PRTs provide needed development and humanitarian assistance.

    • In some cases, the PRTs directly support assistance projects that address local needs and build Afghan capacity.

    • There are currently 25 PRTs in Afghanistan. Twelve are US-led (Asadabad, Bagram/Parwan, Farah, Gardez, Ghazni, Jalalabad, Kala Gush, Khost, Mehtarlam, Panjshir, Qalat and Sharana), primarily in eastern Afghanistan; the rest are led by other countries (Bamian (New Zealand), Chaghcharan (Lithuania), Feyzabad and Kunduz (Germany), Herat (Italy), Kandahar (Canada), Lashkar Gah (UK), Maimana (Norway), Mazar-e Sharif (Sweden), Pol-e Khumri (Hungary), Qal-e Now (Spain), Tarin Kowt (the Netherlands) and Wardak (Turkey). All are under NATO/ISAF supervision.

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