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 You are in: Under Secretary for Political Affairs > Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs > Releases > Fact Sheets > 2006 
Fact Sheet
South and Central Asian Affairs Bureau
Washington, DC
March 4, 2006

United States - Pakistan Cooperation in Science and Technology

Joint Committee on Science and Technology:

Within the framework of the commitment by the Government of Pakistan and the Government of the United States to broaden and deepen the bilateral relationship in diverse fields, the two sides underscored their resolve to expand US-Pakistan cooperation in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and higher education. In this context, the sides have decided to establish the Joint Committee on Science and Technology at a higher level. The two countries signed an Agreement on Science and Technology in June 2003 to strengthen scientific, technological and engineering capabilities and expand collaboration between the scientific and technological communities and institutions of both sides.

The high-level Joint Committee will foster expanded cooperation and promote collaborative relationships between the scientific and technological entities of the two countries, as well as scientists serving in government agencies, private enterprises, science foundations, and academia in order to further scientific endeavors and increase the quality and quantity of researchers in Pakistan. The Joint Committee will meet periodically. The Joint Committee will likely be composed of representatives from the scientific, governmental, and industrial communities of each country.

Pakistan- United States Cooperation in Environment:

The Joint Committee on Science and Technology will address the institutional capacity of Pakistan to enhance the prospects and opportunities for economic growth in a manner that accords priority to environmental protection, including in the impact of climate on the water and agricultural sectors of Pakistan.

U.S.- Pakistan Science and Technology Initiative:

The United States and Pakistan are working together to strengthen cooperation in science and technology in Pakistan and to broaden mutual understanding between our countries. The second year of the science and technology program is underway with new projects to increase Pakistan’s capacity for science and technology education and research in the public and private sectors. Eleven new projects will focus on water resource management, engineering, food science, plant science, air quality, forensic science, and renewable energy.

The eleven new projects:

  • Develop a strategic model to improve construction project management education, research, and practices.
  • Develop guidelines for asphalt pavement recycling.
  • Develop computational mechanics infrastructure and human resources for advancing engineering design practices.
  • Establish an extrusion center at Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
  • Increase salt tolerance in wheat through genetic engineering.
  • Increase understanding and control of plant viral disease complexes in Pakistan.
  • Determine heavy metal and polycyclic hydrocarbons in airborne particulates in Lahore, Pakistan and Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Develop and strengthen capacity for surveillance, containment, and diagnosis of antimicrobial disease resistance through public-private partnership.
  • Intensify forensic services and research at the Center for Applied Molecular Biology.
  • Improve living conditions for populations in remote areas of the Federal Administered Tribal Areas through renewable energy.
  • Build research, education and training capacity for water resource management.

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