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Press Statement
Tom Casey, Acting Spokesman
Washington, DC
August 14, 2003

Afghanistan: Changes in Provincial Leadership

The United States and the international community strongly support the Bonn Process and the Transitional government created by the Emergency Loya Jirga under the Bonn Agreement. The United States remains deeply committed to working with President Karzai as he rebuilds the institutions of government and seeks to bring the benefits of peace and stability to every region of Afghanistan. The United States endorses President Karzai’s reforms designed to assert the legitimate authority of the central government and to improve provincial governance. We share President Karzai’s view that improving security and governance in the provinces is essential to achieving our common goals of creating a moderate and stable Afghanistan.

A prosperous and secure Afghanistan is the desire of the Afghan people and in the interest of international peace and security. The United States encourages all parties to work together toward this goal.

Released on August 14, 2003

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