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 You are in: Under Secretary for Political Affairs > Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs > Releases > Press Releases > 2003 
Press Statement
Office of the Press Secretary
Washington, DC
November 5, 2003

President Bush Meets with Prime Minister of Sri Lanka

Excerpt from White House Press Briefing on November 5 by Scott McClellan

Released by the Office of the Press Secretary

"... the President had a very good meeting with the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. That was just a short while ago in the Oval Office. The President expressed his strong support for the Prime Minister's leadership and his commitment to peace. The President made it very clear that the United States supports the Prime Minister's efforts, and the President reaffirmed our strong support for the peace process and democratic institutions that are in place in Sri Lanka.

The two leaders also discussed the importance of free trade. The President thanked the Prime Minister for the positive role Sri Lanka played in Cancun. Both leaders expressed their commitment to free trade and moving forward on the Doha talks. "

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