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Press Statement

Kabul, Afghanistan
January 14, 2004

Afghanistan Priority No. 1 for NATO

Released by NATO

Speaking after a briefing by Acting UN Special Representative in Afghanistan, Jean-François Arnault, NATO Secretary General de Hoop Scheffer reiterated the Alliance’s commitment to Afghanistan. Mr. Arnault visited NATO Headquarters on 14 January. He briefed the North Atlantic Council, the Alliance’s principal decision-making body, on the situation in the country.

The Council was meeting in a special session to discuss Afghanistan together with the non-NATO countries that contribute forces to the Alliance-led peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan. In August last year, NATO took over command of ISAF, the international force responsible for providing security in and around the Afghan capital, Kabul. Last week, the Alliance expanded its role by taking on security tasks also beyond the capital, in the area of Kunduz. This is the first stage of the planned expansion of the mission to other parts of the country.

Mr. Arnault described the recent positive developments, particularly the adoption of the constitution by the loya jirga, as having created “a new momentum” for peace in the country. He called for the further expansion of the Provincial Reconstruction Teams, saying that this was one of the best ways of bolstering the authority of the government. Security would be a particularly crucial factor as preparations for the upcoming elections begin, he added. Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said that Afghanistan remains “the no. 1 priority for the Alliance”, and that the plan for the expansion of the mission is now being finalized.

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