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A Sample Successful CTC Grant Application (Feb 01, 2002)
A sample Community Technology Center grant application.
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Appalachia Technology in Education Consortium (ATEC) (Aug 10, 2001)
The ATEC program helps states, local educational agencies, teachers, school library and media personnel, administrators, and other education entities successfully integrate technologies into kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) classrooms, library media centers, and other educational settings, including adult literacy centers.
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Applicant Information -- Community Technology Centers (Jan 06, 2005)
This page lists application kits, required forms, notices inviting applicants, schedules, and other information of interest to prospective applicants under the Community Technology Centers program.
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Awards -- Community Technology Centers (Jan 07, 2005)
This page provides information about award recipients, project abstracts, and summaries of competitions under the Community Technology Centers program.
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Community Technology Centers - FY 2003 Competition (Jan 06, 2005)
This fact sheet provides information about the Community Technology Center FY 2003 program grant competitions.
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Community Technology Centers - Application Resources (Jan 06, 2005)
This page provides information of interest to prospective applicants under the Community Technology Centers program.
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Community Technology Centers -- CTC Grants FY 1999-2002 (Jan 07, 2005)
This page provides information about award recipients, project abstracts, and summaries of competitions under the Community Technology Centers program.
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Community Technology Centers -- FY 2001 CTC Grant Recipients (Jan 07, 2005)
This page provides information about award recipients, project abstracts, and summaries of competitions under the Community Technology Centers program.
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Contacts -- Community Technology Centers (Jan 07, 2005)
This page provides contact information for the Community Technology Centers program.
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E-Language Learning System (ELLS) (Jul 18, 2006)
Information and resources on the Department's E-Language Learning System program, and how to get related source code.
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for Technology Teachers (40)
Free, No Restrictions (35)
for Technology Coordinators (30)
for Administrators (26)
about Technology (25)
of type Programs (21)
about Computer Uses in Education (20)
for Policymakers (20)