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Libya Announces Transfer of Medics

Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Washington, DC
July 24, 2007

We applaud today’s decision by the Bulgarian and Libyan governments to transfer the five Bulgarian nurses and the Palestinian doctor to Bulgaria, which follows the Libyan Higher Judicial Council’s July 17 commutation of the medics’ death sentences. The United States had repeatedly urged Libya to find a way to allow the medics to return home. This is an important step in Libya’s continuing positive reengagement with the international community.

Along with its European allies, the U.S. has contributed to efforts to ensure this long overdue outcome, including through the establishment of the Benghazi International Fund, a private initiative to provide care and assistance to the over 400 HIV-infected children and their families.

We remain concerned about these young victims and will continue our support for their treatment, including through our contribution to the Baylor College of Medicine’s Pediatric AIDS Initiative’s program in Libya and other initiatives.


Released on July 24, 2007

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