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Professional Responsibility and Policy Compliance Division

Assistant Director Contact:  202-202-2977

The Professional Responsibility and Policy Compiance Division has two primary areas of responsibility. The Division includes the Internal Affairs Branch and the Policy Compliance Branch.

Internal Affairs Branch

Branch Chief Contact: 202-208-3759

The Department's Internal Affairs Branch provides oversight, coordination, and support for the Bureaus' Internal Affairs Units to ensure the professionalism and integrity of the Department's law enforcement programs. The Internal Affairs Branch works closely with the Office of Inspector General and the Bureau Internal Affairs Units in the application of consistent standards, policies and procedures related to internal investigations. The primary responsibility of the Bureau Internal Affairs programs is the timely, objective and thorough investigation of complaints related to Department law enforcement personnel and their supervisors. This serves to protect the public, the Department and its employees.

Additionally, the Internal Affairs Branch monitors the Boards of Review, which are completed by the Bureaus whenever a significant law enforcement incident occurs.  It is also working with the Bureaus to develop Early Intervention Systems which will monitor the actions of Departmental law enforcement personnel and help to identify problematic behaviors early on, so that agency intervention can occur to correct the behavior.

Members of the public and Department employees who want to register a complaint or commendation regarding a Department law enforcement officer, or the supervisor of a law enforcement officer, may contact the respective Bureau Internal Affairs Unit or the Department's Office of Inspector General. The Office of Inspector General's Web site is and their complaint hotline is 1-800-424-5081.

Policy Compliance Branch

Branch Chief Contact:

The Policy Compliance Branch focuses on enhancing and implementing a Department-wide compliance and evaluation program for all law enforcement activities. This unit is responsible for establishing a comprehensive compliance model to be used to review each Bureau law enforcement program. The branch will ensure policies and procedures are being followed by coordinating with the bureaus on their Bureau specific program reviews. The unit will conduct compliance reviews of the Bureau compiance programs and will conduct site visits, offer recommendations, and produce final program assessment reports for selected law enforcement programs. The branch will also be responsible for ensuring that bureaus develop action plans in response to compliance reports, and if necessary conduct follow-up visits to ensure the action plans and corrective measures are implemented.



U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Law Enforcement, Security & Emergency Management - Watch Office
Telephone: (202) 208-4108
Toll Free: 1-877-246-1373
Fax: (202) 208-3421
Last Updated on 02/26/07