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Health and insurance plans   Health care   Hispanic workers   History   Home-based work   Hours of work   Hospitals   Housing

Health and insurance plans
Comparing benefit costs for full- and part-time workers.Mar 1999.
Consumer expenditures for selected items, 1999 and 2000May 2003.
Development and growth of employer-provided health insurance.March 1994.
Effects of health insurance on consumer spending, The.Mar. 1995.
Employee payments for health care services.Nov. 1992.
Employer-sponsored health insurance: what's offered, what's chosen?Oct. 1995.
Employer-sponsored prescription drug benefits.Feb. 1991.
Employers’ health insurance cost burden, 1996–2005.Jun. 2008.
Federal statistics on healthcare benefits and cost trends.Nov. 2004.
Growth of employer-sponsored group life insurance.Oct. 1991.
Health and retirement benefits: data from two BLS surveysMar. 2000.
Health insurance coverage for families with children.Aug. 1995.
Health insurance loss: the case of the displaced workerApr. 1987
Health insurance trends in cost control and coverageSept. 1986.
Health maintenance organizations: plan offerings and enrollments.Apr. 1991.
HMOs and other health plans: coverage and employee premiums.Jun. 1983.
Incidence benefits measures in the National Compensation SurveyAug. 2004.
Is employer-sponsored life insurance declining relative to other benefits? (PDF).—Sept. 1981.
Major medical coverage during a period of rising costs.Jul. 1983.
Medical and retirement plan coverage: exploring the decline in recent yearsAug. 2004
Mental health benefits financed by employersJul. 1987.
National Compensation Survey: a wealth of benefits data, The.Aug. 2004.
New benefits data from the National Compensation SurveyAug. 2004.
New statistics for health insurance from the National Compensation SurveyAug. 2004.
Outpatient surgery: helping to contain health care costs.Nov. 1992.
Preventive care provisions, other benefits: are they described in plan documents?Oct. 2002.
Substance abuse coverage provided by employer medical plans.Apr. 1991.
Trends in employer-provided health care benefits.Feb. 1991.
Trends in employer-provided mental health and substance abuse benefits.Apr. 2005.
Trends in employer-provided prescription-drug coverageAug. 2004.
Trends in out-of-pocket spending on health care, 1980-92.Dec. 1995.
Using the Employment Cost Index to adjust Medicare paymentsOct. 2002
Who really has access to employer-provided health benefits?June 1995.

Health care (See also Occupational safety and health.)
BLS and Alice Hamilton: pioneers in industrial healthJun. 1986.
Caring for America's aging population: a profile of the direct-care workforce.Sept. 2007.
Economic and social conditions of children and the elderly.Apr. 2000
Employer-sponsored vision care brought into focus.Sept. 1988.
Employment in health services: long-term trends and projectionsAug. 1986.
Federal statistics on healthcare benefits and cost trends.Nov. 2004.
Health care alternatives: employment and occupations in 2005.Apr. 1994.
Health care and prescription drug spending by seniorsMar. 2003.
Health insurance trends in cost control and coverageSept. 1986.
Health services industry: a decade of expansion, The (PDF).—May 1981.
Health services industry: still a job machine?Mar. 1999.
HMOs and other health plans: coverage and employee premiums.Jun. 1983.
Hospital employment under revised medicare payment schedulesAug. 1986.
Household-food-expenditure patterns: a cluster analysis.Apr. 2007.
Major medical coverage during a period of rising costs.Jul. 1983.
Persons with disabilities: Demographic, income, and health care characteristics, 1993.—Sep. 1998.
Prescription drug prices for the elderly.—Sep. 1998.
Preventive care provisions, other benefits: are they described in plan documents?Oct. 2002.
Special topics in health care. A special issue.—Mar. 1995.
Home-sweet-home health care.
Drugs manufacturing: a prescription for jobs.
Hospital staffing patterns in urban and nonurban areas.
The effects of health insurance on consumer spending.
Health benefits coverage among male workers.
Trends in out-of-pocket spending on health care, 1980-92.Dec. 1995.
Using the Employment Cost Index to adjust Medicare paymentsOct. 2002
Who really has access to employer-provided health benefits?June 1995.
Work-related hospitalizations in Massachusetts: racial/ethnic differences.Oct. 2005.
Hispanic workers
Changing market: expenditures by Hispanic consumers, revisited, A.Aug. 2003.
Cognitive testing of racial and ethnic questions for the CPS supplement.Sept. 1996.
Commission urges changes in immigration policy—a review essay.Feb. 1982.
Diversity of Hispanics in the U.S. work force, The.Aug. 1993.
Fatal work injuries among foreign-born Hispanic workers.Oct. 2005.
Female share of weekend employment: a study of 16 countries, The.Aug. 2005.
Foreign-born workforce, 2004: a visual essay.Jul. 2006.
Growing market: expenditures by Hispanic consumers, A.Mar. 1998.
Growing presence of Hispanics in the U.S. work force, The.Aug. 1988.
Job losses among Hispanics in the recent recession.June 1994.
Recent recessions swell ranks of the long-term unemployed.Feb. 1984.
Role of foreign-born workers in the U.S. economy, The.May 2002.
Testing racial and ethnic origin questions in the CPS supplement.Sept. 1996.
Visual essay: Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics in the civilian labor force, A.June 2004.
History (See Labor and economic history.)

Home-based work
Home-based workers: data from the 1990 Census of Population.Nov. 1996.
Wage differentials associated with working at home.Mar. 2007.
Work at home: data from the CPS.Feb. 1994.
Work at home: new findings from the Current Population Survey.Nov. 1986.
Work schedules of Americans: an overview of new findingsNov. 1986.

Hours of work
Alternative measures of supervisory employee hours and productivity growthApr. 2004.
American Time Use Survey: cognitive pretesting, The.Feb. 2002.
Analyzing the recent upward surge in overtime hours.Feb. 2000.
Bureau seeks better measures of service employment.Nov. 1982.
CES Program: changes planned for hours and earnings series.Oct. 2003.
Characteristics of and preference for alternative work arrangements, 1999Mar. 2001.
Contingent and alternative work arrangements, defined.Oct. 1996.
Contingent work in the late-1990sMar. 2001.
Earnings and benefits of contingent and noncontingent workers.Oct. 1996.
Earnings and benefits of workers in alternative work arrangements.Oct. 1996.
Effects of shift work on the lives of employees, The (PDF).—Oct. 1981.
Entry into and consequences of nonstandard work arrangements.Oct. 1996.
Estimating annual hours of labor force activity.Feb. 1983.
Flexible labor: restructuring the American work force.Aug. 1997.
Flexible schedules and shift work: replacing the '9-to-5' workday?.June. 2000.
Flexible work schedules: what are we trading off to get them?.Mar. 2001.
Gender and nonstandard work hours in 12 European countries.Feb. 2008.
Growing diversity of work schedules, The.Nov. 1986.
Hours at work: a new base for BLS productivity statistics.Feb. 1990.
How hours of work affect occupational earnings.—Oct. 1998.
Interrelation of child support, visitation, and hours of work.June 1992.
Into contingent and alternative employment: by choice.Oct. 1996.
Involuntary part-time work: new information from the CPS (PDF).—Feb. 1981.
Job commitment in America: is it waxing or waning?Jul. 1983.
Measuring how people spend their time: a time-use survey design.Aug. 1999.
Measuring intrahousehold allocation of time: response to Anne E. WinklerFeb. 2002.
Measuring job security.June 1997.
Measuring the complexity of hours at work: the weekly work gridApr. 2002.
Measuring time at work: are self-reports accurate?Dec. 1998.
Measuring time use in households with more than one personFeb. 2002.
Missed work and lost hours, May 1985.Nov. 1986.
New BLS survey measures ratio of hours worked to hours paid.Jun. 1984.
Noneconomic fluctuations in hours and earnings data.Aug. 1999.
Notes on time use.Aug. 1999.
On the decline in average weekly hours worked.Jul. 2000.
Overemployment mismatches: the preference of income for fewer hours.Apr. 2007.
Overestimated workweek, The? What time diary measures suggest.Aug. 1994.
Overtime work: an expanded view.Nov. 1986.
Part-time and temporary employment in Japan.Oct. 1995.
Part-time workers: who are they?Feb. 1986.
Planning, designing, and executing the BLS American Time-Use Survey.Oct. 2004. 
Preferred hours of work and corresponding earnings.Nov. 1986. 
Profile of contingent workers, A.Oct. 1996.
Reasons for the continuing growth of part-time employment.Mar. 1991.
Research summaries: The 1999 Report of the American WorkforceOct. 1999.
Response to recession: reduce hours or jobs? (PDF).—Oct. 1981.
Seasonal employment falls over past three decades.July 1993.
Shift work and flexitime: how prevalent are they?Nov. 1986.
Short workweeks during economic downturns.Jun. 1983.
Synchronicity in the work schedules of working couplesApr. 2002.
Technical note: The impact of strikes on current employment statisticsAug. 2000.
Temporary help workers: who they are, what jobs the hold.Nov. 1986.
Time-off benefits in small establishments.Mar. 1992.
Time to work: recent trends in shift work and flexible schedules, A.Dec. 2007.
Trends in hours of work since the mid-1970s.Apr. 1997.
Wage differentials associated with flextimeMar. 2001.
What can time-use data tell us about hours of work?Dec. 2004.
What can we learn from time-use data?Aug. 1999.
Work schedules of Americans: an overview of new findingsNov. 1986.
Work-sharing approaches: past and present.Sept. 1984.
Workers in alternative employment arrangements.Oct. 1996.

Changes in hospital staffing patterns.Mar. 1991.
CPI for hospital services: concepts and procedures, The.July 1996.
Employment in hospitals: unconventional patterns.Jun. 2006.
Health services industry: still a job machine?Mar. 1999.
Hospital employment under revised medicare payment schedulesAug. 1986.
Hospital price inflation: what does the new PPI tell us?July 1996.
Hospital staffing patterns in urban and nonurban areas.Mar. 1995.


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