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eTools Home : Electrical Contractors Additional References | Glossary | Viewing / Printing Instructions | Credits

Materials Handling | Installation and Repair | Prefabrication | Supplemental Info.

Some electrical contractors use prefabrication as a way to increase productivity, improve quality, reduce waste, and save time. There are also a number of ergonomic benefits to prefabrication, such as controlling work heights, supporting tool weights, and controlling environmental conditions.

While some ergonomics-related risk factors can be controlled through prefabrication, it may create other job-specific hazards including heavy manual lifting, repetitive movements, awkward or static postures and contact stress. Employees should be aware of the potential hazards that are unique to a prefabrication setting.
Employee using a tool to assemble something at a table

Materials Handling | Installation and Repair | Prefabrication | Supplemental Info.
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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
Page last updated: 10/16/2007