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 You are in: Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs: Press Relations Office > Press Releases (Other) > 2002 > April 
Press Statement
Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC
April 17, 2002

Suspension of Munitions Exports to Zimbabwe

Effective April 17, 2002, it is the policy of the United States Government to deny any new applications for licenses and other authorizations to export or otherwise transfer defense articles and defense services, covered by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations to Zimbabwe. In addition, the Department of State has imposed a suspension on existing commercial defense export licenses and other authorizations for Zimbabwe. A notice announcing this suspension and denial policy was published in the Federal Register on April 17, 2002.

The Department has taken the aforementioned steps in response to the Government of Zimbabwe's subversion of the democratic process, which culminated in a fatally flawed presidential election March 9-11. As Secretary of State Powell stated on March 13, "The pre-election period was marked by a sustained, government-orchestrated campaign of intimidation and violence, and the numerous and profound irregularities in the electoral process itself resulted in an outcome that did not reflect the will of the people of Zimbabwe."

Released on April 17, 2002

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