Agency Policies and Administrative Staff Manuals

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Directives by Program Office

Office of Communications and Outreach (OCO)

  • OCO:1-101—System of Receiving and Tracking State Process Recommendations and Comments Subject to E.O. 12372 download files PDF (40K)

Office of Management (OM)

  • OM:1-101—The Administrative Communications System (8/8/2005) download files PDF (142K)
  • OM:1-102—Delegations of Authority (7/26/2005) download files PDF (85K)
  • OM:1-103—Organization Control System (8/8/2005) download files PDF (86K)
  • OM:1-104—Limited English Proficiency Plan (6/17/2005) download files PDF (180K)
  • OM:1-105—Routing Public Requests to Other Agencies (8/14/2007) download files PDF (77K)
  • OM:2-102—Transit Benefits Program (11/4/2005) download files PDF (81K)
  • OM:2-103—Smoking Policy (12/11/2007) download files PDF (57K)
  • OM:2-104—Occupant Emergency Organizations and Plans (2/7/2008) download files PDF (59K)
  • OM:2-105—Safety and Health Committee (1/12/2004) download files PDF (53K)
  • OM:2-106—Employee Participation in Fitness Activities (1/13/2004) download files PDF (46K)
  • OM:2-107—Workers Compensation Program (5/22/2007) download files PDF (172K)
  • OM:3-102—Guidance for Suspension of Operations During an Emergency Furlough (1/30/2007) download files PDF (61K)
  • OM:3-103—Identification Media—Credentialing (12/28/2004) download files PDF (161K)
  • OM:3-104—Clearance of Personnel for Separation or Transfer (6/26/2008) download files PDF (223K)
  • OM:3-105—Health Benefits Coverage for Employees in Non-Pay Status (11/21/2006) download files PDF (1MB]
  • OM:4-101—Parking Management (12/7/2007) download files PDF (127K)
  • OM:4-103—Space Management (4/29/2008) download files PDF (60K)
  • OM:4-104—Moves Within Headquarters Facilities (9/30/2004) download files PDF (104K)
  • OM:4-105—Issuance of Flags and Seals (4/29/2008) download files PDF (50K)
  • OM:4-107—Copy Services (8/29/2007) download files PDF (95K)
  • OM:4-111—Use of Official Headquarters Motorpool Vehicles (10/22/2007) download files PDF (47K)
  • OM:4-114—Physical Security Program (1/29/2008) download files PDF (83K)
  • OM:4-115—Mail Management (11/16/2007) download files PDF (104K)
  • OM:4-116—Facilities Services (12/10/2007)
  • OM:5-101—Contractor Employee Personnel Security Screenings (1/29/2008) download files PDF (128K)
  • OM:6-102—Information Collection Activities and Burden Control (8/30/2006) download files PDF (187K)
  • OM:6-103—Records and Information Management Program (1/30/2007) download files PDF (133K)
  • OM:6-104—Privacy Act of 1974) (Basic Requirements and the Collection of Personal Information) (8/31/2006) download files PDF (180K)
  • OM:6-105—Computer Matching Agreement (1/22/2007) download files PDF (120K)
  • OM:6-106—Records Retention and Disposition Schedules (11/16/2007) download files PDF (133K)
  • OM:6-107—External Breach Notification Policy and Plan (4/15/2008) download files PDF (4MB]

Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development (OPEPD)

  • OPEPD:1-101—Interagency Agreements (3/17/2006) download files PDF (249K)
  • OPEPD:1-102—Upward Adjustments to Obligations in Expired Expenditure/Appropriation Accounts (5/5/2008) download files PDF (100K)

Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)

  • OCFO:1-101—Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act Management/Reporting on Internal Controls (3/31/2008) download files PDF (40K)
  • OCFO:1-103—Financial Management (6/30/2008) download files PDF (119K)
  • OCFO:1-104—Protection of Human Subjects in Research: Intramural Research (10/5/2004) download files PDF (98K)
  • OCFO:1-105—Protection of Human Subjects in Research: Extramural Research (10/5/2004) download files PDF (146K)
  • OCFO:2-102—Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension (9/25/1991) download files PDF (276K)
  • OCFO:2-104—Unsolicited Proposals (9/16/2004) download files PDF (131K)
  • OCFO:2-107—Acquisition Planning (2/11/2008) download files PDF (232K)
  • OCFO:2-108—Contract Monitoring for Program Officials (3/30/2006) download files PDF (262K)
  • OCFO:2-109—Green Purchasing Plan (2/26/2008) download files PDF (231K)
  • OCFO:3-102—Acceptance of Payment for Official Travel from a Non-Federal Source (In-Kind Travel) (3/5/2007) download files PDF (92K)
  • OCFO:3-104—Government-wide Commercial Purchase Card Program (5/5/2008) download files PDF (179K)
  • OCFO:3-105—Capital Assets Accounting Policy (9/21/2005) download files PDF (148K)
  • OCFO:3-106—Travel Card Program (6/11/2007) download files PDF (181K)
  • OCFO:3-107—Reconciling Principal Office Administrative Expenditures and Obligations to the General Ledger (6/26/2008) download files PDF (77K)

Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)

  • OCIO:1-102—Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Policies and Procedures: Release of Denial of Department of Education Records Responsive to FOIA Requests (7/7/2004)
  • OCIO:1-104—Personal Use of Government Equipment (4/17/2006) download files PDF (154K)
  • OCIO:1-106—Lifecycle Management (LCM) Directive Framework (12/2/2005) download files PDF (1.7MB]
  • OCIO:3-105—Procuring Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) in Conformance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (5/01/2006) download files PDF (213K)
  • OCIO:3-108—Information Technology Investment Management (ITIM) and Software Acquisition (9/15/2006) download files PDF (117K)

Office of the Deputy Secretary (ODS)

  • ODS:1-103—Grantbacks (3/26/2004) download files PDF (187K)

Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

  • OIG:1-101—Coordination with ED-OIG When Planning for Audits to be Performed by Auditors Other Than ED-OIG (3/07/2006) download files PDF (43K)
  • OIG:1-102—Cooperation with and Reporting to the Office of the Inspector General (6/17/2005) download files PDF (87K)
  • OIG:1-103—Procedures for Handling Office of Inspector General Hotline Referrals (10/29/2007) download files PDF (51K)
  • OIG:1-104—Inspector General Awards for Cost Savings Disclosure (7/10/2007)

Office of the Secretary (OS)

  • OS:1-101—Use of Appropriations for Official Reception and Representation Expenses (3/24/2008) download files PDF (63K)
  • OS:1-103—Employee Suggestion Program (4/22/2005) download files PDF (149K)
  • OS:1-105—Improving Administration and Management of Department Programs (12/4/2007) download files PDF (108K)
  • OS:1-106—Organizational Assessment (4/10/2008) download files PDF (114K)

Handbooks by Program Office

Office of the Inspector General

  • Handbook OIG-01—Handbook for Personnel Security-Suitability Program (11/30/1992) download files PDF (210K)

Office of Management

  • Handbook-OM-04—Handbook for Processing Salary Overpayments (4/29/2008) download files PDF (384K)
  • Handbook OM-05—Handbook for Property Management (12/31/2002) download files PDF (679K)
  • Handbook OM-03—Handbook for Reasonable Accommodations (9/30/2004) download files PDF (539K)

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

  • Handbook OCFO-01—Handbook for Post Audit Process (6/22/2007) download files PDF (782K)
  • Handbook OCFO-02—Handbook for Accounts Receivable Requirements (12/17/2004) download files PDF (233K)
  • Handbook OCFO-03—Handbook for Cash Management Requirements (6/25/2004) download files PDF (250K)
  • Handbook OCFO-04—Handbook for the Discretionary Grant Process (2/24/2006) download files PDF (1.4MB]
  • Handbook OCFO-05—Handbook for Travel Policy (6/2/2008) download files PDF (510K)

Office of the Chief Information Officer

  • Handbook OCIO-01—Handbook for Information Assurance Security Policy (3/31/2006) download files PDF (11MB)
  • Handbook OCIO-05—Handbook for Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Procedures (3/31/2006) download files PDF (11.2MB]
  • Handbook OCIO-07—Handbook for Information Technology Security Risk Assessment Procedures (1/13/2004) download files PDF (873K)
  • Handbook OCIO-08—Handbook for Software Management and Acquisition Policy (9/30/2004) download files PDF (148K)
  • Handbook OCIO-09—Handbook for Information Technology Security General Support Systems and Major Applications Inventory Procedures (3/16/2005) download files PDF (11.13MB]
  • Handbook OCIO-10—Handbook for Information Technology Security Contingency Planning Procedures (7/12/2005) download files PDF (1.05MB]
  • Handbook OCIO-11—Handbook for Information Technology Security Configuration Management Planning Procedures (7/12/2005) download files PDF (316K)
  • Handbook OCIO-13—Handbook for Telecommunications (4/14/2006) download files PDF (747K)
  • Handbook OCIO-14—Handbook for Information Security Incident Response and Reporting Procedures (6/26/2007) download files PDF (458K)
  • Handbook OCIO-15—Handbook for Protection of Unclassified Sensitive Information (3/30/2007) download files PDF (229K)

Personnel Manual Instructions (PMI)

  • PMI 250-1—Human Capital Management Accountability Systems Policy (10/02/05) download files PDF (147K)
  • PMI 300-2—Details of ED Employees (05/05/81) download files PDF (34K)
  • PMI 300-3—Waivers of Time-In-Grade Restrictions (01/01/89) download files PDF (21K)
  • PMI 300-4—Details to Unclassified Duties (05/11/81) download files PDF (24K)
  • PMI 300-6—Employment of Noncitizens (06/25/91) download files PDF (26K)
  • PMI 302-1—Excepted Positions in ED (05/28/81) download files PDF (20K)
  • PMI 302-2—Career Intern Program (03/14/02) download files PDF (75K)
  • PMI 304-1—Employment of Experts and Consultants (12/01/00) download files PDF (46K)
  • PMI 306-1—Department of Education Selective Placement Program (08/15/86) download files PDF (45K)
  • PMI 308-1—Student Educational Employment and Volunteer Program (02/22/96) download files PDF (46K)
  • PMI 310-1—Employment of Relatives (02/23/90) download files PDF (20K)
  • PMI 312-2—Part-time Employment Program (05/11/81) download files PDF (22K)
  • PMI 315-1—Probationary Period (09/27/02) download files PDF (49K)
  • PMI 315-2—Probation on Initial Selection for a Supervisory or Managerial Position (05/21/81) download files PDF (32K)
  • PMI 316-1—Term Employment (04/30/81) download files PDF (22K)
  • PMI 330-1—Reemployment Priority Program (04/24/98) download files PDF (34K)
  • PMI 330-2—Career Assistance Transition Plan (11/21/97) download files PDF (41K)
  • PMI 335-1—Merit Promotion Plan (01/11/93) download files PDF (58K)
  • PMI 338-1—Appointment Above Minimum Pay Rates Based on Superior and/or Unique Qualifications (09/09/96) download files PDF (14K)
  • PMI 572-3—Payment of Travel and Transportation Expenses for Permanent Change of Duty Station (03/29/94)
  • PMI 581-1—Processing of Commercial and Non-Commercial Garnishment and Bankruptcy Orders (07/12/94) download files PDF (56K)
  • PMI 610-1—Dismissals and Agency Closings During Emergency Situations (05/25/81) download files PDF (56K)
  • PMI 610-2—Pandemic Flu Policy (03/14/07) download files PDF (53K)
  • PMI 610-3—Alternative Work Schedules for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees (05/15/02) download files PDF (69K)
  • PMI 630-1—Absence and Leave Administration—General Provisions (05/06/81) download files PDF (43K)
  • PMI 630-2—Annual Leave (05/13/91) download files PDF (44K)
  • PMI 630-3—Sick Leave (03/06/02) download files PDF (34K)
  • PMI 630-4—Funeral Leave (05/04/81) download files PDF (20K)
  • PMI 630-5—Military Leave (08/07/02) download files PDF (27K)
  • PMI 630-6—Court Leave (05/13/81) download files PDF (26K)
  • PMI 630-7—Excused Absence (01/11/93) download files PDF (51K)
  • PMI 630-9—Non-Pay: Absence without Leave (AWOL) and Leave Without Pay (LWOP) (05/06/81)
  • PMI 630-10—Voluntary Leave Transfer Program Administrative Procedures (10/02/89) download files PDF (529K)
  • PMI 630-11—Creditable Service For Annual Leave Accrual Purposes (04/19/07) download files PDF (53K)
  • PMI 735-1—Courtesy Policy (05/27/81) download files PDF (24K)
  • PMI 751-1—Discipline and Adverse Actions (09/05/03) download files PDF (64K)
  • PMI 771-1—Employee Grievances (10/03/83) download files PDF (65K)
  • PMI 792-1—The U.S. Department of Education Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program (04/25/83) download files PDF (37K)
  • PMI 792-2—U.S. Department of Education Drug-Free Workplace Pan (01/12/89) download files PDF (113K)
  • PMI 792-3—Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Policy Statement (11/16/94) download files PDF (73K)
  • PMI-920-1—Senior Executive Service Merit Staffing Program (01/04/05) download files PDF (41K)
  • PMI 920-2—Executive Resources Board Charter (07/29/91) download files PDF (24K)
  • PMI 920-4—Senior Executive Service Reduction-in-Force (01/23/84) download files PDF (36K)
  • PMI 920-5—SES Sabbatical Program (02/28/84) download files PDF (30K)

Personnel Management Bulletins (PMB)

  • PMB 300-2—Detail of Non-Bargaining Unit Employees (07/08/88) download files PDF (60K)
  • PMB 572-2—Travel and Transportation Expenses; New Appointees and Pre-employment Interviews (03/18/91) download files PDF (25K)
  • PMB 575-2—Recruitment Bonuses (06/04/91) download files PDF (60K)
  • PMB 575-3—Relocation Bonuses (06/04/91) download files PDF (67K)
  • PMB 575-4—Retention Allowances (06/04/91) download files PDF (56K)
  • PMB 792-1—Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in the Workplace Policy Statement (04/25/83) download files PDF (58K)

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Last Modified: 10/24/2008

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