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President Signs Book of Condolences at Pakistan Embassy

President George W. Bush
Pakistan Embassy
Washington, DC
October 14, 2005

10:46 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Ambassador, thank you for having us. I'm here to express the condolences of the American people to those who suffered mightily as a result of the earthquake that struck your country. There's been a lot of loss of life, and Americans pray for those families who have lost a loved one.

President George W. Bush signs a book of condolences, Friday, Oct. 14, 2005 at the Pakistan Embassy in Washington, to express the condolences of the American people for those who suffered as a result of the recent earthquake that struck Pakistan. Pakistan's Ambassador Jehangir Karamat is seen looking on at left. White House photo by Eric Draper There's been a lot of damage, and we want to help in any way we can. I told the Ambassador that -- reminded him what I told President Musharraf -- I said -- once talked to him, I said Pakistan is a friend, and America will help. We've moved a lot of military equipment in there. We're helping with humanitarian aid. So not only will we offer our prayers, but we'll offer our help, and help the people and help the government, help this great nation get back on its feet.

Thank you for having us.

END 10:47 A.M. EDT President George W. Bush shakes hands with Pakistan's Ambassador Jehangir Karamat, after signing a book of condolences, Friday, Oct. 14, 2005 at the Pakistan Embassy in Washington, to express the condolences of the American people for those who suffered as a result of the recent earthquake that struck Pakistan. White House photo by Eric Draper

Released on October 14, 2005

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