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President Welcomes Prime Minister Singh of India in Arrival Ceremony

President George W. Bush
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh of India
The South Lawn
Washington, DC
July 18, 2005

9:11 A.M. EDT

PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. Prime Minister, Mrs. Kaur, Laura and I are honored to welcome you to the White House.

We meet as leaders of two great democracies, committed to working together for a better and a safer world. Your visit reflects the growing bonds of cooperation between your nation and mine. Our nations have ties that are strong and warm. These ties are enriched by hundreds of thousands of Americans of Indian origin who contribute so much to America's vitality. Our people share the bonds of friendship and a commitment to prosperity, peace and regional stability. Our nations believe in freedom. And our nations are confronting global terrorism.

President Bush stands with India's Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, Monday, July 18, 2005 during the playing of the national anthems on the South Lawn of the White House.  White House photo by Eric Draper As diplomatic partners, we're meeting this threat in our own nations and abroad. And as economic partners, we're working around the world to displace hatred and violence with prosperity, hope and optimism. India's embrace of democracy and human rights had ensured that its great diversity will remain a national strength. And since enacting economic reforms in the early '90s, India has become an emerging economic power to the betterment of its people.

The relationship between our two nations has never been stronger, and it will grow even closer in the days and years to come. This transformed relationship was seen vividly in the response to the December 26th tsunami that devastated parts of Asia. Along with Japan and Australia, our two nations launched a coordinated and effective disaster relief mission, providing assistance and relief where it was most needed.

Mr. Prime Minister, the United States and India have built a relationship of great potential as we face this century's challenges. We look forward to building on our strong bilateral relationship to expand our economic ties and to lay the foundation of peace and prosperity for our children and our grandchildren.

Welcome, Mr. Prime Minister, and thank you for coming. (Applause.)

PRIME MINISTER SINGH: Thank you, Mr. President.

Mr. President, thank you very much for your warm words of welcome. I greatly value this invitation to visit Washington, and I look forward to my discussions with you this morning. I'm confident that my visit today will give us an opportunity to develop and take forward this strategic partnership between India and the United States.

We share a common commitment to democracy, freedom, human rights, pluralism and rule of law. We face common challenges that threaten our way of life and values that both our countries hold dear. We share a common resolve and a common responsibility to meet those challenges.

Mr. President, there is vast potential for our countries to work together on an ambitious agenda of cooperation, bilaterally, and with regard to what we can do together to address the global challenges.

Mr. President, your personal commitment to our relations is widely appreciated in India. I am confident that from our talks today will emerge an agenda of cooperation that reflects a real transformation of our relationship. Its realization would help India meet the expectations of its people for a better quality of life, a more secure future, and a greater ability to participate in global creativity. I also believe that working together, our two countries can make a significant contribution to global peace, security and development.

President Bush stands with India's Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, Laura Bush and Singh's wife, Mrs. Gursharan Kaur, Monday, July 18, 2005 during the Prime Minister's official visit to the White House.  White House photo by Krisanne Johnson Let me conclude, Mr. President, by thanking you and the First Lady, Mrs. Laura Bush, once again for the warmth of your welcome. I thank you, Mr. President. (Applause.)

END 9:16 A.M. EDT

Released on July 18, 2005

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