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Kenyan Riot Aftermath

Nairobi, Kenya
January 14, 2008

The recent elections held in Kenya have caused waves of violence and mass destruction displacing as many as 250,000 residents.  The protesters are seeking the removal of the newly-elected President Kibaki.  Assistant Secretary Frazer has been in Kenya since January 4th trying to help all interested parties end the violence and find a workable solution.

Kenyans protest holding signs demanding the resignation of newly elected President Kibaki in New York at the United Nations in January 2008. AP Photo.
Kenyans protest in the U.S. near the U.N. in support of their fellow Kenyans in Africa. AP photo.

Kenyan residents wait for assistance from the Kenyan Red Cross since being displaced by the elections riots in January 2008.  AP Photo.
Displaced Kenyans wait patiently in lines for food aid from the Kenyan Red Cross. AP photo.

An aerial view of the Kibera slum area affected by the riots after the recent Kenyan elections in January 2008.  AP photo.
Aerial view of devastated Kibera area; Nairobi skyline in the distance.  AP photo.

Kenyan protesters run from riot police in Nairobi after January 2008 elections.  AP Photo.
Protesters run from riot police during early days of violence after the elections. AP photo.

A Kenyan man cries while hearing recounting of riot experiences. AP Photo.
A Kenyan man cries during the sharing of riot-related experiences. AP photo.

Kenyan women protest together for the installation of Raila Odinga after the January 2008 elections.  AP Photo.
Kenyan women protest in the streets for a change after the January elections. AP photo.

Released on January 14, 2008

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