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CPL 02-01-040 - CPL 02-01-040 - 1926.757(a)(3) - Enforcement policy on column joists.

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• Record Type: Instruction
• Directive Number: CPL 02-01-040
• Old Directive Number: CPL 02-01-040
• Title: 1926.757(a)(3) - Enforcement policy on column joists.
• Information Date: 07/18/2004
• Standard Number: 1926.757(a)(3)


SUBJECT: 1926.757(a)(3) - Enforcement policy on column joists


Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction is to amend Question and Answer #32 of  OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) "Inspection policy and procedures for OSHA's steel erection standards for construction", issued March 22, 2002 and to revoke OSHA Notice 03-03 (CPL 02) (03-03 CPL 2) "Extension of enforcement policy on column joists (CPL 2-1.34)" issued July 18, 2003.
Scope: OSHA-wide.
References: OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) "Inspection policy and procedures for OSHA's steel erection standards for construction"
Cancellations: OSHA Notice 03-03 (CPL 02) (03-03 CPL 2) "Extension of enforcement policy on column joists (CPL 2-1.34)"
State Impact: This instruction describes a Federal Program change for which State adoption is not required.
Action Offices: National, Regional, and Area Offices
Originating Office: Directorate of Construction
Office of Construction Standards and Guidance
Contact: (202) 693-2020
Directorate of Construction
Office of Construction Standards and Guidance,
N3468, FPB,
200 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20210.

By and Under the Authority of

John L. Henshaw
Assistant Secretary

Executive Summary

Effective July 18, 2004, OSHA is amending Question and Answer #32 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) "Inspection policy and procedures for OSHA's steel erection standards for construction," issued March 22, 2002, and revoking OSHA Notice 03-03 (CPL 02) (03-03 CPL 2) "Extension of enforcement policy on column joists (CPL 2-1.34)" issued July 18, 2003.  This amendment will extend indefinitely the current policy relating to the column joist requirements in CFR Section 1926.757(a)(3), which was announced in Question and Answer #32 in OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34), issued March 22, 2002. A copy of Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) can be found on the web at:

Major Changes

This Instruction revokes OSHA Notice 03-03 (CPL 02) (03-03 CPL 2) issued July 18, 2003 and amends OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) issued March 22, 2002, as follows:
In Chapter 4, Section VII Open Web Steel Joists, Question and Answer #32 will be deleted and replaced to extend the policy indefinitely.

  1. Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction is to amend Question and Answer #32 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34), issued March 22, 2002 and to revoke OSHA Notice 03-03 (CPL 02) (03-03 CPL 2) issued July 18, 2003. A copy of Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) can be found on the web at:

    This Instruction does not alter any other provisions of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34), which remains in full force and effect.

  2. Scope: OSHA-wide

  3. References: OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) "Inspection policy and procedures for OSHA's steel erection standards for construction" of March 22, 2002.

  4. Cancellations: OSHA Notice 03-03 (CPL 02) (03-03 CPL 2) "Extension of enforcement policy on column joists (CPL 2-1.34)" of July 18, 2003

  5. State Impact: This Instruction describes a Federal Program change for which State adoption is not required.

  6. Major Changes This Instruction revokes OSHA Notice 03-03 (CPL 02) (03-03 CPL 2) issued July 18, 2003 and amends OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) issued March 22, 2002, as follows:
    In Chapter 4, Section VII Open Web Steel Joists, Question and Answer #32, a compliance policy was announced with respect to the column joist requirements in 1926.757(a)(3), with a termination date of July 18, 2003.  The effective date of that enforcement policy was extended to July 18, 2004, or until a new directive was issued. OSHA is now extending this policy indefinitely. The revised paragraph shall read:
    Question 32:  Section 1926.757(a)(3) requires: "where steel joists at or near columns span 60 feet or less, the joist shall be designed with sufficient strength to allow one employee to release the hoisting cable without the need for erection bridging."  Joist manufactures have stated that, for some lengths, there are no existing joist designs that would provide the necessary stability (even with the stabilizer plate).  These are primarily joists in the 55-60 foot length range.  The policy set out by OSHA in Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) issued on March 22, 2002 and extended by OSHA Notice 03-03(CPL 02) (03-03 CPL 2) on July 18, 2003, will expire on July 18, 2004.  Have the manufactures been able to design a joist to meet the requirements of the standard? And if not, how will OSHA enforce this provision?

    Answer:  The industry has conducted a number of tests to determine if joists that are now available would meet the requirements of 1926.757(a)(3).  Their tests showed that of the joists now available, some would meet the requirement, but only if erectors followed a number of erection criteria that are not in the steel erection standard.  Also, for some spans and dimensions, there still are no joists that would meet the requirement (even if those additional criteria were followed).

    Therefore, the enforcement policy that was scheduled to expire on July 18, 2004, will remain in effect indefinitely.  That policy is as follows: for all joists at or near columns that span 60 feet or less, employers will be considered to be in compliance with §1926.757(a)(3) if they erect these joists either by: (1) installing bridging or otherwise stabilizing the joist prior to releasing the hoisting cable, or (2) releasing the cable without having a worker on the joists.

    A copy of Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) can be found on the web at:

    This Instruction does not alter any other provisions of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34), which remains in full force and effect. The changes are effective July 18, 2004, and the text of the OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-034 (CPL 2-1.34) on the web will be amended accordingly within two weeks.

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