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November 4, 2008    DOL Home > OASAM > About OASAM

Departmental Budget Center

A. Mission:

To provide the Department with leadership, direction, policy advice, technical assistance and related services concerning budget formulation, justification, and apportionment of funds; to oversee preparation of all Departmental budget submissions including requests for supplemental appropriations, rescissions, deferrals, reprogrammings and other funding adjustments; and to coordinate the presentation of all budget submissions to the Office of Management and Budget and to the Congress

B. Functions:

  1. Prepares policy analyses and recommendations for establishing departmental short- and long-term budget goals and objectives, for developing implementation strategies, including major programmatic and budgetary initiatives, and for selecting among alternative applications of resources to fulfill Departmental responsibilities.

  2. Provides leadership and direction to all component agencies for budget formulation, justification and apportionment of funds by preparing and disseminating policies, guidance, procedures, and detailed instructions; by providing expert interpretations of OMB, Congressional and Departmental budget regulations, circulars, instructions and other requirements; and by providing expert technical advice and assistance.

  3. Oversees development, reviews and makes recommendations on all budget submissions for supplemental appropriations, rescissions and deferrals to assure conformance with OMB, Congressional and departmental program guidance, policies, strategies, and technical instructions; prepares Departmental budget summaries, including special analytical exhibits required by OMB and the Congress; consolidates agency submissions and Departmental summaries into the formal budget submissions to OMB and to the Congress; and prepares budget briefing materials for top departmental officials and for release to the public.

  4. Prepares and/or reviews Congressional testimony for appropriation hearings, briefs top Departmental officials including the Secretary and Deputy Secretary, and prepares supporting materials for the hearings; coordinates agency appearances and the submission of follow-up materials requested at the hearings; and reviews the hearing transcripts for consistency with Departmental policies.

  5. Maintains documentation of budget submissions for the fiscal year, including all requests by the Department, a record of hearings, actions by OMB and the Congress, and supporting information.

  6. Provides advice, counsel and analytical support to the Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget on major budget issues, including the control of sensitive object classes and high vulnerability procurement plans.

  7. Reviews and approves requests for apportionment, reapportionment and reprogrammings and provides the necessary coordination with OMB and Appropriations Committees.

  8. Develops and proposes new, and reviews component agency proposals for, program performance measures that can be effectively linked to budgetary displays and included in budget submissions; prepares special reports on program performance measures as required.

  9. Identifies and recommends changes in resource utilization to improve capability for achieving Departmental objectives; prepares cost-benefit analyses; and proposes methods for promoting cost effectiveness.

  10. Provides timely and up-to-date information to top Departmental officials, including the Secretary and Deputy Secretary, regarding the status, substance, and impact of the activities of the Congress as they relate to DOL appropriations and programs.

  11. Serves as liaison on budget issues for the Department with OMB, Congressional appropriations and other committees, the Congressional Budget Office, Treasury, GAO, state and local governments, other Federal agencies, private organizations, the press, and the general public.

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