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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > What the Secretary Has Been Saying > 2005 Secretary Rice's Remarks 
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
What the Secretary Has Been Saying
2005 Secretary Rice's Remarks
June 2005: Secretary Rice's Remarks

June 2005: Secretary Rice's Remarks

--06/30/05  Remark at the Inauguration of the First Class of Powell Fellows; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
--06/28/05  Interview on Fox & Friends; New York, New York
--06/28/05  Interview on ABC's Good Morning America; New York, New York
--06/28/05  Interview on NBC's Today Show; New York, New York
--06/28/05  Joint Press Conference on New York City's Proposal to Host the 2012 Summer Olympic Games; New York City, NY
--06/23/05  Joint Press Availability with G-8 Foreign Ministers; London, United Kingdom
--06/23/05  Remarks With French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy; Winfield House; London, United Kingdom
--06/23/05  Roundtable Interview with Arab Journalists; London, United Kingdom
--06/22/05  Joint Press Availability With EU, UN and Iraqi Leaders; Brussels, Belgium
--06/22/05  Remarks at the Closing Session of the International Conference on Iraq; Brussels, Belgium
--06/22/05  Interview on Al Iraqiya With Ms. Alham Al Beiruty; Brussels, Belgium
--06/22/05  Interview on CNN With John King; Brussels, Belgium
--06/22/05  Remarks at the Opening Session of the International Conference on Iraq; Brussels, Belgium
--06/21/05  Remarks En Route to Brussels, Belgium; En Route to Brussels, Belgium
--06/21/05  Roundtable With Saudi Media; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
--06/20/05  Interview On ABC News With Jonathan Karl; Cairo, Egypt
--06/20/05  Interview on Al Arabiya With Randa Abu Alawmy; Cairo, Egypt
--06/20/05  Interview on Nile TV With Nihal Saad; Cairo, Egypt
--06/20/05  Joint Press Availability With Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit; Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
--06/20/05  Joint Press Availability With Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
--06/20/05  Question and Answer at the American University in Cairo; Cairo, Egypt
--06/20/05  Remarks at the American University in Cairo; Cairo, Egypt video: high speed connectionvideo: dial-up speed connectionaudio
--06/19/05  Interview on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos; Jerusalem
--06/19/05  Interview on CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer; Jerusalem
--06/19/05  Interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace; Jerusalem
--06/19/05  Interview on Israeli TV2 with Udi Segal; Jerusalem
--06/19/05  Interview on Jordan Television with Nida Ramahi; Amman, Jordan
--06/19/05  Joint Statement With Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon Prior To Their Meeting; Prime Ministers Office; Jerusalem
--06/19/05  Press Availability; David Citadel Hotel; Jerusalem
--06/19/05  Remarks With Jordanian Foreign Minister Farouq Qasrawi After Their Meeting; Amman, Jordan
--06/18/05  Joint Press Availability With Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas; Ramallah, West Bank
--06/17/05  Press Briefing to the Traveling Press; En Route to Shannon, Ireland
--06/17/05  Tenure of Paul Applegarth at the Millennium Challenge Corporation; Washington, DC
--06/16/05  On-The- Record Briefing on Secretary Rice's Trip to the Middle East and Europe; Washington, DC
--06/16/05  Remarks After Her Press Conference; Washington, DC
--06/15/05  World Refugee Day at National Geographic Society; Grosvenor Auditorium; Washington, DC
--06/13/05  Interview With Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball; Washington, DC
--06/13/05  Remarks with Honduran President Joest, U.S. Trade Representative Portman, Representative Kolbe and Chief Executive Officer Applegarth at the Signing Ceremony for the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Compact with Honduras; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
--06/09/05  Interview on PBS's Charlie Rose; Washington, DC
--06/08/05  Remarks With German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
--06/06/05  Remarks at Lunch for OAS Foreign Ministers and Heads of Delegation; Broward County Convention Center; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
--06/06/05  Interview With Angie Sandoval of Telemundo; Fort Lauderdale, Florida
--06/06/05  Interview With Juan Carlos Lopez of CNN Espanol; Fort Lauderdale, Florida
--06/06/05  Interview With Latin American Journalists; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
--06/05/05  Remarks En Route to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; En Route to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
--06/05/05  Remarks to the General Assembly of the Organization of American States; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
--06/03/05  Remarks at Town Hall Meeting; Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
--06/03/05  Release of the Fifth Annual Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report; Washington, DC
--06/03/05  Interview With With Pablo Bachelet of The Miami Herald; Washington, DC
--06/03/05  Remarks on the Transfer of Spokesman Role from Richard Boucher to Sean McCormack; Washington, DC
--06/02/05  Remarks With European Union Officials; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
--06/01/05  Remarks With Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari After Their Meeting ; Washington, DC
--05/24/05  Remarks at the Jefferson Science Fellows Reception; Benjamin Franklin Room ; Washington, DC

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