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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > What the Secretary Has Been Saying > 2005 Secretary Rice's Remarks 
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
What the Secretary Has Been Saying
2005 Secretary Rice's Remarks
January 2005: Secretary Rice's Remarks

January 2005: Secretary Rice's Remarks

--01/31/05  Remarks at Town Hall Meeting; Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
--01/30/05  Interview on CNN's Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer; Washington, DC
--01/30/05  Interview on CBS' Face the Nation With Bob Schieffer; Washington, DC
--01/30/05  Remarks Outside the CBS Studio; Washington, DC
--01/30/05  Interview on ABC's This Week With George Stephanopoulos and Peter Jennings; Washington, DC
--01/30/05  Interview on Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace; Washington, DC
--01/28/05  President Thanks Secretary of State Rice at Swearing-In Ceremony video: high speed connectionvideo: dial-up speed connectionaudio
--01/27/05  Welcome Remarks to Employees; C Street Lobby; Washington, DC video: high speed connectionvideo: dial-up speed connectionaudio
--01/18/05  Opening Remarks by Secretary of State-Designate Dr. Condoleezza Rice; Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC

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