ED Discretionary Grants Transition to Grants.gov

Over the next few years, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) will be transitioning its discretionary grants application process to use the federal government-wide Grants.gov website. During this transition, a particular discretionary application package and the location for submitting it could appear at any one of several locations. The purpose of this web page is to help you find all ED grant application packages and where to submit them during the transition.

Finding Grant Opportunities: Application availability notices for all discretionary grant programs, when announced, are listed at Grants.gov. Please use the "Find Grant Opportunites" search. The search results page links to a synopsis of the opportunity and to the full text of the announcement notice.

Finding Application Packages: The description paragraph in the Grants.gov synopsis tells where to find the application package for a grant program. The full announcement also tells where to find an application package. During the transition period, an application package may be found at one of several locations:

Submitting Applications: The description paragraph in the Grants.gov synopsis or the full notice will indicate the method of application submission:

Tips for Electronic Submission Using Grants.gov

Additional Helpful Links:

Last Modified: 09/18/2006