Endangered Species Program
Partnerships for Endangered Species Recovery (Poster)
image of the poster CLICK HERE for more information on Virginia Big-eared Bat CLICK HERE for more information on Chiricahua Leopard Frog CLICK HERE for more information on Puerto Rican Parrot CLICK HERE for more information on Mauna Kea Silversword CLICK HERE for more information on Apache Trout CLICK HERE for more information on Green Pitcher Plant CLICK HERE for more information on Fender's Blue Butterfly and Kincaid's Lupine
Click on a plant or animal to find out more.
CLICK HERE for more information on Virginia Big-eared Bat CLICK HERE for more information on Chiricahua Leopard Frog CLICK HERE for more information on Puerto Rican Parrot CLICK HERE for more information on Mauna Kea Silversword CLICK HERE for more information on Apache Trout CLICK HERE for more information on Green Pitcher Plant CLICK HERE for more information on Fender's Blue Butterfly and Kincaid's Lupine

The Endangered Species Program's poster, "Working Together -- Partnerships for Endangered Species Recovery," celebrates the many successes achieved by working in partnership with others to conserve our Nation’s threatened and endangered fish, wildlife, and plants. Private landowners, community organizations, businesses, academia, conservation groups, and federal, state, and local government agencies have all made important contributions to the recovery of many threatened and endangered species.

"Working Together -- Partnerships for Endangered Species Recovery" features the talents of artist Tim Knepp and illustrates examples from throughout the United States of listed plants and animals and partners who make recovery happen. A fact sheet briefly describing each species and its partnerships can be accessed below, or by clicking on the species on the above image.

A pdf version of the poster is available below. Posters are also available through our Regional Offices and many Field Offices. You can contact these offices directly for copies.

We hope you will find the poster a valuable outreach tool in recognizing and promoting the importance of partnerships in endangered species recovery. CLICK HERE for more information on Virginia Big-eared Bat CLICK HERE for more information on Chiricahua Leopard Frog CLICK HERE for more information on Puerto Rican Parrot CLICK HERE for more information on Apache Trout CLICK HERE for more information on Green Pitcher Plant CLICK HERE for more information on Fender's Blue Butterfly and Kincaid's Lupine CLICK HERE for more information on Mauna Kea Silversword

For more information on the species in the poster:


Download a fullsize version of the poster
[PDF] 7.81 MB

Last updated: January 16, 2008