The AADAP Newsletter...

Starting with the March 2006 edition of the AADAP Newsletter (Volume 2-2), we will provide a paper copy ONLY to those individuals that specifically request their name be placed on the paper-copy mail-list. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause, but the time and expense to print and mail paper copies has become too high. To have your name placed on the paper-copy mail-list, contact us and merely type “paper copy” in the subject line.

Beginning with the October 2008 edition of the AADAP Newsletter (Vol 4-3), we will no longer provide the electronic version of the Newsletter as a PDF attachment to an email. Instead we will merely include a link to the latest edition in an email. We hope this will help in those cases where servers may limit the size of attachments. If you have any thoughts on this, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Our quarterly Newsletter is intended to be a companion publication to our website, providing complementary information, but often not as current as you will find on our website. The newsletter will be short and sweet and it will include a suite of routine features.

Our intent is to provide to you an encapsulated version of much of what is happening in the aquaculture drug approval arena. Our hope is that we can offer this in a format that will be informative, but not overwhelming. And, if our resident cowboy has anything to say about it, it may even be comical at times. If you want or need more detailed information, look at other areas of this website or contact us.

As in the case of our website, please take some ownership of the AADAP Newsletter; i.e., make sure that if you would like to say something for all to read, or that if there is other information out there that should be shared, contact us to make those changes.

All issues of the AADAP Newsletter will be archived and can be accessed by clicking here.

Volume 4-3 October 2008


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Disclaimer: Product and company names mentioned in this website, or mentioned in materials accessed via this website, are for informational purposes only. The mention of such does not imply endorsement by the Aquatic Animal Drug Approval Partnership, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service or any other organization of the U.S. Government.

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