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November 4, 2008    DOL Home > OASAM > About OASAM

Center for Program Planning and Results

A. Mission:

The Center for Program Planning and Results provides central DOL planning, direction and coordination of the Department's strategic and performance planning and reporting programs and activities related to implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. The Center provides the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary through the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management and other senior level officials with guidance and recommendations on the development of outcome-based goals and measures and assessment of the achievements of strategic and annual performance goals to accomplish the Department's mission. The Center maintains a continuing review and analysis of major programs of the Department, including comprehensive information on program accomplishments, identification of performance problems, together with proposed solutions in meeting Departmental strategic goals and objectives.

B. Functions:

The Center is divided into two Offices:

  1. The Office of Program Planning is responsible for providing leadership in the preparation of the Department's Strategic and performance plans and for guiding the planning process; and,

  2. The Office of Performance Monitoring is responsible for monitoring program results, assisting program managers in identifying the causes of performance problems, managing a Department-wide program evaluation initiative, and preparing the Annual Performance Report.

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