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November 4, 2008    DOL Home > OASAM > About OASAM

Information Technology Center

A. Mission:

Provide leadership; develop, manage, and evaluate the Department's Information Resources Management program; design, develop, automation and administrative information systems, Employee Computer Network, Departmental data communications network and connection to Internet; develop and operate a Computer Technology Center.

  1. Provide Departmental leadership for the effective and efficient use of information and office automation resources.

  2. Formulate, issue, and oversee implementation of Departmental IRM standards and guidelines.

  3. Develop, issue, and oversee implementation of Departmental IRM standards and guidelines.

  4. Review, approve, and manage the Department's strategic, long- range, and annual plans and budgets for IRM.
  5. Review and evaluate IRM activities throughout the Department.

  6. Serve as the Department's representative on all IRM issues with OMB, GSA, Congressional Committees, IG, and private industry.

  7. Develop and issue policies and standards for data communications links, data bases, electronic mail, Internet, security, and systems, in accordance with Federal regulations and policies.

  8. Design, develop, manage, and operate the Departmental Employee Computer Network, connection to Internet office automation systems, and data communications network.

  9. Design, develop, and manage Department-wide integrated administrative information systems; provide ADP support for Departmental management activities; and provide support to users.

  10. Develop and manage a Computer Technology Center which provides design, consulting, and problem solving services to customers on networks, microcomputers, office automation hardware and software availability, application and use, computer services, training and technical information, security, and procedural policies; coordinate ADP activities for National and Regional agencies; and respond to specific problems and requests for services.

  11. Conduct research and development and test computer products for new technology for use on Departmental networks.

  12. Consolidate, negotiate approval, and monitor the annual Information Collection Budget; approve all Department Agency proposals for public data collection and record keeping; and review the paperwork burden of proposed Departmental regulations and legislation.

  13. Provide leadership, implement, and coordinate the Department's forms and records management program to include the retention and disposition of official records, either paper or electronic.

  14. Provide leadership, coordination and operational support regarding policies, procedures, techniques, and tools for giving the public electronic access to Departmental information, including the Internet.

  15. Provide tools and develop systems that will support Departmental workgroups operating in a high performance workplace environment.

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