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Content Last Revised: 10/7/80

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter I  

Office of the Secretary of Labor



Part 32  

Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap In Programs and Activities Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial Assistance




Subpart B  

Employment Practices and Employment Related Training Program Participation

29 CFR 32.15 - Preemployment inquiries.

  • Section Number: 32.15
  • Section Name: Preemployment inquiries.

    (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a 
recipient may not conduct preemployment medical examinations or make 
preemployment inquiry of an applicant for employment or training as to 
whether the applicant is a handicapped person or as to the nature or the 
severity of a handicap. A recipient may, however, make preemployment 
inquiry into an applicant's ability to perform job-related functions.
    (b) When a recipient is taking remedial action to correct the 
effects of past discrimination, when a recipient is taking voluntary 
action to overcome the effects of conditions that resulted in limited 
paticipation in its federally-assisted program or activity, or when a 
recipient is taking affirmative action pursuant to section 503 of the 
Act, the recipient may invite applicants for employment or training to 
indicate whether and to what extent they are handicapped if:
    (1) The recipient states clearly on any written questionnaire used 
for this purpose or makes clear orally, if no written questionnaire is 
used, that the information requested is intended for use solely in 
connection with its remedial action obligations or its voluntary or 
affirmative action efforts.
    (2) The recipient states clearly that the information is being 
requested on a voluntary basis, that it will be kept confidential as 
provided in paragraph (d) of this section, that refusal to provide it 
will not subject the applicant, employee or participant to any adverse 
treatment, and that it will be used only in accordance with this part.
    (c) An employer who routinely requires medical examinations as part 
of the employment selection process must demonstrate that each of the 
requirements of this subsection are met:
    (1) The medical examination shall be performed by a physician 
qualified to make functional assessments of individuals in a form which 
will express residual capacity for work or training. Such an assessment 
does not require clinical determinations of disease or disability, but 
shall provide selecting or referring officials sufficient information 
regarding any functional limitations relevant to proper job placement or 
referral to appropriate training programs. Factors which may be assessed 
may include, for example, use of limbs and extremities, mobility and 
posture, endurance and energy expenditure, ability to withstand various 
working conditions and environments, use of senses and mental capacity;
    (2) The results of the medical examination shall be specific and 
objective so as to be susceptible to review by independent medical 
evaluators and shall be transmitted to the applicant or employee at the 
same time as the employing official;
    (3) The results of the medical examination shall not be used to 
screen out qualified applicants and employees but to determine proper 
placement and reasonable accommodation. The employing official using 
physical or mental information obtained pursuant to this section should 
be familiar with physical or mental activities involved in performing 
the job, and the working conditions and environment in which it is 
carried out. If the applicant is being considered for a variety of jobs 
having different requirements or skills, the employing official should 
make a functional assessment of the physical or mental demands of the 
jobs in order to match the applicant with the most suitable vacancy;
    (4) All of potential employees for the jobs are subjected to the 
medical examination;
    (5) The procedures for using medical examinations or the medical 
information shall be constructed in such a manner that:
    (i) A conditional job offer was made or the individual was 
conditionally placed in a job pool or conditionally placed on an 
eligibility list prior to the medical examination being performed; or
    (ii) The results of the medical examination were considered by the 
employing official only after a conditional decision to make a job offer 
or the individual had been placed conditionally in a job pool or 
conditionally placed on an eligibility list; that is the medical results 
were the last factor evaluated by the employing officials before a final 
decision to make an offer of employment was made.
    (6) Unless a conditional job offer is made prior to the medical 
examination, all potential employees for the job shall be informed at 
the time of the medical examination that:
    (i) The results of the medical examination are the last factor 
evaluated by the employing official before a final decision to make an 
offer of employment is made, and
    (ii) The medical examination results shall be transmitted to the 
employing official and the applicant only after a conditional decision 
to make a job offer has been made.
    (d) Information obtained in accordance with this section as to the 
medical condition or history of the applicant shall be collected and 
maintained on separate forms that shall be accorded confidentiality as 
medical records, except that:
    (1) Employing officials may obtain the information after making a 
conditional decision to make a job offer to the applicant or the 
applicant was placed conditionally in a job pool or placed conditionally 
on an eligibility list.
    (2) Supervisors and managers may be informed regarding restricions 
on the work or duties of qualified handicapped persons and regarding 
necessary accommodations;
    (3) First aid and safety personnel may be informed, where 
appropriate, if the condition might require emergency treatment; and
    (4) Government officials investigating compliance with the Act shall 
be provided information upon request.
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