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Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs: John R. Byerly

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs: John R. ByerlyBIOGRAPHY

John R. Byerly

Deputy Assistant Secretary, Transportation Affairs
Term of Appointment: 01/22/2001 to present




John Byerly was born in Lexington, North Carolina in 1953. He graduated with highest honors from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1975, studied German and European law on a Fulbright Scholarship at the Free University of Berlin in 1977-78, and received his J.D. from Yale Law School in 1979. A career member of the Senior Executive Service at the State Department (DOS), he has held positions covering a range of duties in American foreign policy, national security, and international economic relations:

2001-present Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs, DOS
2000-2001 Senior Adviser for Transportation Affairs, DOS
1998-2000 General Counsel, Multinational Force and Observers (seconded to Rome Headquarters of Sinai peacekeepers)
1996-1998 Special Negotiator for Transportation Affairs, DOS
1995-1996 Director, Office of Aviation Programs and Policy, DOS
1993-1995 Principal Deputy General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency
1992-1993 Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs (DOS)
1988-1992 Assistant Legal Adviser for African Affairs, DOS
1989-1992 Ombudsman for Civil Service Employees (concurrent assignment)
1985-1987 Attorney-Adviser for International Aviation, DOS
1981-1985 Legal Adviser, U.S. Mission Berlin
1979-1981 Attorney-Adviser for Consular and African Affairs, DOS

Mr. Byerly speaks German, Italian, and French.

Released on January 22, 2001

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