School Violence Warning Signs and Remedies
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March 23, 2005

Deborah Price, Assistant Deputy Secretary of ED's Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, describes what may spark an incident of school violence.

Clip #1:   ListenStream (:16)   DownloadDownload(1.7mb)

Transcript: When students feel isolated, when they feel there's no place to turn, when they feel they're not heard—all of these can be elements that can fester and bring on circumstances like we see in Red Lake.

Clip #2:   ListenStream (:15)   DownloadDownload(1.7mb)

Transcript: Take seriously what children are saying. Also provide an environment so that if there is another student who knows something is maybe happening or some circumstances are going on with someone else, that they feel safety in going to an adult to tell.

Bill Modzeleski, Associate Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Education Department's Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools discusses what adults can do to help prevent an incident of school violence.

Clip #3:   ListenStream (:24)   DownloadDownload(2.4mb)

Transcript: What we call for in the Safe Schools Initiative is changing the culture and climate of the school and really putting adults in kids' lives. I mean, it's absolutely critical that if kids are bothered by or troubled by anything or if they hear of an incident that may occur—even if it's a rumor of an incident that may occur—is that they have to feel good enough about going to an adult to talk about that particular incident.

Clip #4:   ListenStream (:21)   DownloadDownload(2.0mb)

Transcript: But invariably, as they tell other people about what they're doing one group of people who are often left out is adults. If we want to be successful in creating the type of climate that we want in a school, then adults have to be there and kids have to be connected to those adults in such a way that they feel comfortable talking to those adults about problems that they have.

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Last Modified: 06/29/2006

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