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Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 17, 2004

White Water to Blue Water: A Partnership To Link Freshwater and Oceans

See media note: Miami Conference Aims to Unite Efforts to Protect Caribbean Ecosystems

The White Water to Blue Water Partnership, an international alliance of governments, international organizations, universities, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, fosters greater cooperation to protect watershed and marine ecosystems. By enhancing environmental stewardship of ocean resources, the partnership in turn encourages social development and builds economies in developing nations. A partnership conference sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and other government agencies will take place in Miami March 22-26, 2004.

Announced at the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development, the partnership is underway in more than 30 countries of the Wider Caribbean region. Organizers hope to conduct similar programs in other regions such as Africa and the South Pacific in the years ahead.


  • Integrating the management of watersheds, coasts, oceans
  • Promoting sustainable tourism
  • Controlling land-based sources of marine pollution
  • Promoting best practices for maritime industries
  • Participants in March 22-26 Miami Partnership Conference


    • Bahamas
    • Barbados
    • Belize
    • Brazil
    • Canada
    • Colombia
    • Costa Rica
    • DominicaRepublic
    • France
    • Grenada
    • Guatemala
    • Guyana
    • Haiti
    • Honduras
    • Jamaica
    • Mexico
    • Dominican 
    • Netherlands
    • Nicaragua
    • Panama
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis
    • Saint Lucia
    • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    • South Africa
    • Spain
    • Suriname
    • Sweden
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • United Kingdom
    • United States
    • Venezuela

    Non-Governmental Organizations

    • World Conservation Union
    • Conservation International
    • Wildlife Conservation Society
    • World Wildlife Fund
    • World Resources Institute
    • The Nature Conservancy
    • United Nations Foundation
    • Caribbean Conservation Association
    • Ocean Conservancy
    • Environmental Defense
    • Oceana
    • EcoLogic
    • Sloan Foundation

    International Organizations

    • United Nations Environment Programme
    • The Caribbean Environment Programme
    • United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
    • The Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
    • ComisiĆ³n Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)
    • Organization of American States
    • Caribbean Tourism Organization
    • United Nations Development Programme
    • Pan American Health Organization
    • United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
    • International Maritime Organization
    • World Bank
    • Association of Caribbean States
    • Caribbean Environmental Health Institute
    • Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IO-Caribe)


    • University of Miami
    • University of Delaware
    • University of Puerto Rico
    • University of Rhode Island
    • University of the West Indies
    • University of the Virgin Islands
    • Earth University
    • Florida International University

    Private Sector

    • The Gillette Company
    • Baccardi
    • International Council of Cruise Lines
    • PriceWaterhouseCoopers


    The White Water to Blue Water Partnership is made possible by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Departments of State, Commerce (National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration), Agriculture, Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Smithsonian Institute. The State Department has committed $2 million to WW2BW-related projects worldwide and USAID has announced a $1.5 million matching partnership with the UN Foundation to support a Meso-American Coral Reef Alliance in Mexico and Central America. The Governments of Canada, Sweden, and The Netherlands, Environmental Defense and the Gillette Company have also provided support for the Partnership Conference. In addition, the governments of the wider Caribbean region have pledged in-kind and facilitative support for the initiative.


  • Released on March 17, 2004

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