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November 4, 2008    DOL Home > ESA > OLMS > Form LM-2 > FAQs > Signatures   

Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS)

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The Office of Labor-Management Standards ensures union democracy, transparency, and financial integrity.

Form LM-2 Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestions on Signatures

Additions are made regularly to the Frequently Asked Questions, so please check these pages often for updates. If you have a question that is not addressed here, you may email your question to

Q. Who must sign Form LM-2?

A. The completed Form LM-2 that is filed with OLMS must be signed by both the president and treasurer, or corresponding principal officers, of the labor organization. If an officer other than the president or treasurer performs the duties of the principal executive or principal financial officer, the other officer may sign the report. If an officer other than the president or treasurer signs the report, you must explain in Item 69 (Additional Information) why the president or treasurer did not sign the report.

Q. How do I sign the electronic Form LM-2?

A. Electronically submitted forms must be signed with digital signatures. Information about this system can be found on this Web site at:

Q. Do I need an individual certificate or a business certificate?

Individuals required to sign Form LM-2 may use either an individual or a business certificate.

Q. Is there a charge for the electronic signature?

A. Yes. The charge for a digital signature certificate is $70 for an individual certificate or $119 for a business certificate. The certificate is valid for two years. The certificate can also be used for filing documents with other agencies.

Q. If I am submitting a paper Form LM-2 pursuant to a hardship exemption, can a signature stamp be used to sign the report?

A. No. Original signatures are required; stamped or mechanical signatures are not acceptable.

Q. If an international puts an organization under trusteeship, does it have to get a digital signature for the trustee?

A. Yes.

Q. Are digital signatures by file number or by organization? Can they be used for other things?

A. Digital signatures may be used for other government forms requiring digital signatures.

Q. Will it be possible for the two principal officers of a union to each digitally sign the same LM-2 from two separate locations? How?

A. Yes, the form can be e-mailed or transferred via removable media from one person to another for signature. The form cannot be altered after one of the two principal officers signs it unless the digital signature is removed.

Q. If there are new officers elected two weeks before the report is due, will they have time to get digital signatures?

A. They should apply for digital signatures as soon as possible. If the digital signatures have not been obtained at the time the report is due, they may elect a temporary hardship exemption.

Last Updated: 08/21/08


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