To Learn More

For more information about other departmental Safety and Health programs, please visit the Office of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Web Site at:

About SafetyNet

SafetyNet, The DOI Safety and Health Information Network.

The SafetyNet provides an on-line, shared, safety and occupational health resource bank for all Interior Department bureaus and offices.

Mission Statement

The Office of Occupational Health and Safety's (OHS) mission is to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our employees and visitors. We provide management and direction for Departmental Safety and Health Programs. OHS develops Department-wide policies that protect lives, property, and natural resources. The OHS develops policy and facilitates the Department's decision making process so that we can achieve, as outlined in our Departmental Safety and Occupational Health Strategic Plan, a safe and healthful occupational and recreational environment for our customers - Departmental employees, volunteers, contractors, concessionaires and the visiting public.

U.S. Department of the Interior
Occupational Health and Safety Program - SafetyNet
1849 C Street, N.W., MS 5230-MIB • Washington, D.C. 20240
(202) 208-7702 • (303) 236-7128 x229
..Last Updated on 09/10/08