Success Stories and the National Fire Plan





Fire Information






Fire Programs


The National Fire Plan (NFP) was developed in August 2000, following a landmark wildland fire season, with the intent of actively responding to severe wildland fires and their impacts to communities while ensuring sufficient firefighting capacity for the future. The NFP addresses five key points: firefighting, rehabilitation, hazardous fuels reduction, community assistance, and accountability.

Federal, state and local agencies are working on projects that support the NFP key points. The links below highlight success stories in each agency.

National Fire Plan Success Stories

Agency Success Stories

Bureau of Land Management

National Park Service
















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Participating Agency Logos width=      
BLM - Bureau of Land Management NASF - National Association of State Foresters BIA - Bureau of Indian Affairs FWS -  US Fish & Wildlife Service - Fire Management NPS - National Park Service - Fire & Aviation Management FS - US Forest Service - Fire & Aviation Management NOAA -  National Weather Service - Fire Weather AMD -  National Business Center Aviation Management USFA -  US Fire Administration