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California - Southern District Drug Threat Assessment
December 2000


State Sources

The Bakersfield Californian, "Teen Recalls Drug Overdose at School," 2 June 2000.

California Border Alliance Group

Narcotic Threat Assessment FY 2000.
Narcotic Threat Assessment FY 2000 Update, 1 August 1999.
Narcotic Threat Assessment FY 2001, 1 April 2000.

California Southwest Border Customs Intelligence Group, Intelligence Trends, 12 and 26 May 2000.

El Cajon Police Department, interview by author, 18 April 2000.

Imperial County Narcotic Task Force

1999 Annual Report.
Imperial County Street Gangs
, 12 June 2000.

Los Angeles Times, "Theories on Tijuana Killing Abound," 24 March 2000.

Narcotic Information Network

San Diego County Regional

Annual Activity Report, April 2000.
Watch Center Activity Report, April 2000.

San Diego/Imperial County Regional

Connections, Winter 2000
San Diego-Imperial County Street Drug Price List, March 2000.

San Diego County Integrated Narcotics Task Force, Monthly Report FY 2000, 12 June 2000.

San Diego Association of Governments, Crime in the San Diego Region Annual 1999, March 2000.

San Diego Tribune

"Crime Watch: Suspect Arrested in Customs Sting," 10 June 1999.
"Cutter Scoops 3 Tons of Cocaine Out of the Sea," 19 February 2000.
"Drug Chemicals Found, Woman Held," 9 March 2000.
"Rare African Drug Found at Checkpoint," 19 August 1999.
"Seizure of Methamphetamine in Mexicali Points to More Drug Labs," 24 February 2000.
"Warning is Sounded on Huffing," 21 March 2000.
"What About the Certifier," 3 March 2000.

State of California

Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, 1998 Annual Activity Summary.

Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs

Count Level Report July 1, 1999-May 31, 2000, 31 August 2000.
California Alcohol and Drug Data System FY 2000, e-mail 20 November 2000.

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Other Sources

BASF Corporation, Diols and Derivatives: Products: 1,4-Butanediol, 1999-2000.

Bell, Vaughn, Ketamine ('K', special K, Vitamin K), 1995.

Chicago Police Department, Gang Reference Book 1998, July 1998.

The Digital Collegian, "Reformulated Rohypnol Lessens Risks," <www.collegian.psu>, accessed
29 April 1998.

Hedges, Michael, Scripps Howard News Service, "Agents Get Mexican Heroin Gang Selling Top Quality Drugs," 15 June 2000.

The Irish Times, "Similar Heroin Deaths Reported in U.S.," 3 June 2000.

Long, Phillip W., M.D., Internet Mental Health, 1995-1999 <>.

McDermott, Peter, Ketamine: Trick or Treat, June 1992 <>.

Nelson, Lewis, International Journal of Medical Toxicology, "Butanediol and Ethanol, A Reverse Mickey Finn," Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2000.

The Observer (UK), "California Clue to Lethal Injections," 28 May 2000.

Pryde, Phillip R., An Introduction to the San Diego Region, Department of Geography, San Diego State University, 1992.

Republic of Mexico, Office of the Attorney General, Bulletin Number 221/00, 3 May 2000.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Division of Epidemiology Services and Prevention Research

Community Drug Alert Bulletin.
Community Epidemiology Work Group, Advance Report, Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, December 1999.

National Institutes of Health, InfoFax.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies

Drug Abuse Warning Network Annual Medical Examiner Data 1998, March 2000.
Year-End 1999 Emergency Department Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network, August 2000.

U.S. Department of Justice

Drug Enforcement Administration

El Paso Intelligence Center

Arrival Zone Seizures, updated 23 February 2000.
Jetway, December 1999.
Operation Pipeline
, January 2000.
Gangs and Drug Trafficking in the United States, March 1998.

Los Angeles Field Division, Quarterly Trends in the Traffic Report, July 1, 1999-September 30, 1999.

Mexican Heroin Trade, April 2000.

San Diego Field Division

Quarterly Trends in the Traffic, July 1, 1999 - September 30, 1999.
Quarterly Trends in the Traffic Second Quarter FY 2000, January 31-March 2000.

Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. Border Patrol, Weekly Intelligence Snapshot, 6 June 2000.

National Drug Intelligence Center

National Drug Threat Survey, January 2000, responses from

Chula Vista Police Department
San Diego Sheriff's Department
San Diego Police Department

National Drug Threat Survey, May 2000, response from San Diego Police Department.

National Street Gang Survey 2000 responses from

San Diego
San Marcos
Chula Vista

Office of the Attorney General, Intelligence Operations Bulletin--Hispanic Gangs Part I, February 2000.

Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice

1998 Annual Report on Drug Use Among Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, April 1999.
1995 Drug Use Forecasting, Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, 1995.
Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program, 1998 Annual Report on Drug Use among Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, April 1999.

U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of California, Report, 1998.

U.S. Department of the Treasury

United States Customs Service

Drug Smuggling Utilizing Rail Conveyances Entering the United States from the Republic of Mexico As It Pertains to California Ports-of-Entry, October 1997.
Intelligence Trends, Reports 7, 11, 13.

USA Today, "Heroin's Resurgence Closes Drug's Traditional Gender Gap," 9 May 2000.

Zarogosa, Xavier, The Daily Dispatch, "More Than $740,000 in Pot Seized at Port of Entry," 4 February 2000.

Mexico border. Over a period of 11 months in 1999, over $590 million in currency was declared at California POEs.


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