Department of the Interior Seal

Office of the Secretary
Washington, D.C. 20240

Nov 4 2003


TO: 		Assistant Directors for Administration

FROM: 		Debra E. Sonderman /s/
		Office of Acquisition and Property Management and Senior
		Procurement Executive
R. Schuyler Lesher, Director Office of Financial Management SUBJECT: FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION: CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION (CCR) The attached policy and related Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
CCR guidance, solicitation provisions and contract clauses supersede the
October 7, 2002 interim Departmental CCR policy issued jointly by our offices.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2003 budget guidance issued by the Director, Office of
Management and Budget on June 19, 2001, directed that in FY 2003 Federal
agencies were to use the CCR, an existing on-line database (,
as the single validated source on vendors doing business with the Government.
Further, prospective vendors would be required to register in CCR prior to
the award of Federal contracts to them.
In anticipation of the development and issuance of Governmentwide CCR
regulations by the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense
Acquisition Regulations Council at a later date, Department of the Interior
(DOI) bureaus and offices were notified of the requirements and provided with
interim Departmental policy regarding CCR registration and the need for
vendor outreach in October 2002. In December 2002, DOI issued a
Departmentwide FedBizOpps Special Notice for all existing and prospective
DOI contractors informing them of the CCR registration requirement. In addition, throughout FY 2003, bureau and office contracting activities
implemented the interim DOl policy and advised vendors of the CCR
registration requirement through a variety of media, e.g., web site postings
and links, fliers, notices in synopses, solicitations and contracts, through
outreach at trade fairs, and in Business and Economic Development counseling
sessions with small businesses. On October 1, 2003, the FAR final rule on CCR was published in the Federal
. The final rule applies to contracts (including purchase orders),
basic agreements, basic ordering agreements, blanket purchase agreements,
or modifications awarded on or after October 1, 2003. Existing contracts,
basic agreements, basic ordering agreements, or blanket purchase agreements
with a period of performance beyond December 31, 2003 are also covered
under the final rule and must be modified to include the requirement that
vendors be registered in the CCR database by December 31, 2003. Existing
contractors whose contractual documents are modified to include CCR
registration must maintain registration until final payment. The attached policy provides general and transaction specific summaries of
actions required to implement the FAR's CCR requirements and a copy of the
FAR final rule on CCR as published in the Federal Register. If you have any questions regarding this policy release, please contact
Office of Acquisition and Property Management staff members John K. Peterson
on 202-208-7469 or Patricia Corrigan on 202-208-1906. Attachments
cc: 	Executive Steering Committee
	P. L. 106-107 Initiatives Work Group
	Interior Federal Assistance Working Group

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