Department of the Interior


Beginning in October 1996, a team with members representing each bureau's real, museum and personal property programs developed a single broad strategy to help strengthen how we manage the Department's assets. The team developed the Strategic Plan for Managing Property in the Department of the Interior and the Property Management Partnership Charter which received the concurrence of bureau executives.

The strategic plan provides a framework that will enable us to better support our diverse missions and customers. The plan promotes information sharing, seeking common solutions, and coordination with the finance, acquisition, information technology and other program partnerships. A significant feature of the plan is the recommendation to establish a structured partnership to provide an ongoing forum to help us realize the plan's objectives.

The Property Management Partnership was formally established in June 1997 with members representing all the bureaus and the Office of Acquisition and Property Management. It is chaired on a rotational basis by a bureau Property Officer. The Partnership will focus on improvements that: satisfy the customer; share resources; develop people and expertise for a competent and motivated workforce; integrate and streamline business processes and practices; and assure proper protection, maintenance, treatment and use of all property.

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This page was last updated on October 24, 2005.
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