
Stewart B. McKinney - Vento Homeless Assistance Act

Title V -- Identification and Use of Surplus Federal Property


   42 USC 11411    Use of Unutilized and Underutilized Public Buildings and Real Property to Assist the Homeless 

   42 USC 11412    Making Surplus Personal Property Available to Nonprofit Agencies


The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers five individual homeless assistance programs in accordance with the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (Public Law 100-77) (42 USC 11411 and 11412).  One of those five programs is:


Title V -- Surplus Federal Property for Use to Assist the Homeless

·        To identify suitable federal properties categorized as unutilized, under-utilized, excess, or surplus, and

·        to make the properties available to states, units of local government and nonprofit organizations for use to assist homeless individuals.


The Title V Program provides nonprofit organizations, states and local governments the opportunity to assist the homeless through the use of unutilized, underutilized, excess, or surplus Federal real properties.  If determined (by HUD) to be “suitable,” these properties may be used as a facility to assist homeless persons.


HUD makes the suitability determination.  HUD publishes a weekly (every Friday) notice in the Federal Register listing the real property, whether HUD has found it suitable to assist the homeless, and whether it is available for such use.  Program regulations are at 24 CFR 581.  Depending on the availability of the property, and subject to HHS approval, the nonprofit organization may receive a deed or lease of the property.


HHS (Department of Health and Human Services) handles applicants (“applicant” means any representative of the homeless) and the application portion of the program.  Interested providers should notify HHS of their intention to apply for a property within 60 days of the Federal Register notice, but they can apply later if the property is still available.
            Applicants have 90 days after an expression of interest is received by HHS to submit an application.  Once an application is complete, HHS acts on it within 25 days.
            The property is subject to a reversion, or in the case of a leasehold interest, termination, if the property ceases to be used to assist the homeless.


The “McKinney Clearance Checklist” (also called “Title V Property Survey / Federal Property Information Checklist”) is downloadable from the internet.  The latest form is dated 11/89.  For a copy of the form, click on the desired format, html or MS Word.   Submit completed checklists to:

            Office of Acquisition and Property Management, Attn:  Michael Wright

            Department of the Interior, MIB, MS-2607

            1849 C. Street, NW

            Washington, DC  20240