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President Bush Meets with President Toledo in Peru
President Bush Saturday said, "Earlier today, our two governments signed an agreement that will reintroduce the Peace Corps to .. - 47.1KB
23 Mar 02
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President Promotes Secure and Open Borders in El Paso
President Bush Thursday said, "Today I've sent up an emergency request to the United States Congress of $27 billion, $5 .. - 37.1KB
21 Mar 02
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President Unveils Small Business Plan at Women's Entrepreneurship Summit
President Bush Tuesday unveiled his plan to help create an environment where small businesses can flourish. His plan .. - 48.6KB
19 Mar 02
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President Unveils September 11 Postage Stamp
President Bush Monday helped unveil a special postage stamp that .. - 20.2KB
11 Mar 02
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President Calls on Senate to Stop Playing Politics
In discussing the nomination of Charles Pickering to the appellate bench, President Bush said, "..I expect him to be confirmed by .. - 23.7KB
06 Mar 02
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President Speaks at Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
President Bush Wednesday said, "I'll never forget going to the Hispanic Chamber banquet in California, and I was given the .. - 40.2KB
06 Mar 02
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President Bush Welcomes President Mubarak to White House
President Bush Tuesday said, "Today, the strategic partnership between our countries is more important than ever, as we .. - 37.7KB
05 Mar 02
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President Announces Temporary Safeguards for Steel Industry
President Bush Tuesday said, "Today I am announcing my decision to impose temporary safeguards to help give .. - 24.4KB
05 Mar 02
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President Discusses Agriculture in Iowa Speech
President discusses farm bill, ethanol, and opening markets for Iowa corn growers. - 22.0KB
01 Mar 02
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President Reiterates Call for Retirement Security Reform
Speaking at a small business in Iowa on Friday, President Bush said, "The whole point is this, we ought to do everything we .. - 43.1KB
01 Mar 02
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