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USUN Press Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Washington, DC
October 17, 2007

Statement by Ambassador Jackie Wolcott, U.S. Alternate Representative, at the Security Council Debate on the Peacebuilding Commission Annual Report

The United States believes strongly in the importance of a successful UN Peacebuilding Commission.  We appreciate the report presented today by Ambassador Takasu.

Preventing reversion to violence in post-conflict states through sustainable peacebuilding is in the interest of all members of the international community.

We applaud the accomplishments that the PBC has achieved during the difficult early days of establishing a new institution.

These are the first steps toward achieving coordinated peacebuilding structures that produce tangible and sustainable results.

We view the PBC as potentially a key part of the UN's peacebuilding architecture.

The PBC's efforts on the Integrated Peacebuilding Strategies for the first countries under the PBC's review—Sierra Leone and Burundi—are a valuable exercise in promoting better dialogue among governments, civil society representatives, the international community, and other relevant actors.

We look forward to seeing these strategies translated into concrete programs and institutions that serve the people of Burundi and Sierra Leone and form the foundation for healthy, peaceful societies in these states.

We believe that tracking and monitoring mechanisms for integrated peacebuilding in countries under PBC review can be helpful in identifying gaps with precision and allow for resources to be more effectively marshaled for the purpose of creating sustainable peace.

Released on October 29, 2007

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