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 You are in: Under Secretary for Political Affairs > Bureau of African Affairs > Releases > Other Releases > 2004 
Washington, DC
September 17, 2004

International Contact Group on Liberia: Statement to the Press

The International Contact Group on Liberia held its 7th Working Session at the United States Department of State in Washington on 17 September 2004.

Representatives of France, Morocco, Nigeria, United Kingdom, United States of America, the European Union (the EU Presidency and the European Commission), the United Nations, African Union and the ECOWAS Secretariat attended. The meeting was co-chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, MP, representing the Chairman of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Mr Hans Dahlgren, representing the Presidency of the EU.

The Executive Secretary of ECOWAS in Liberia briefed the group on the status of the Implementation of the Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and recent meetings with Liberian stakeholders. The Contact Group was briefed by the United Nations on recent developments and challenges ahead in the implementation of United Nations Security Council resolution 1509 (2003).

The Contact Group noted with satisfaction the progress made in the implementation of the two initial phases of the Disarmament and Demobilisation programme. It noted that the number of disarmed combatants is likely to reach between 80 000 and 100 000. This underscores the need to make urgent progress on the Rehabilitation and Reintegration efforts and to ensure adequate funding of the programme. The Group underlined that the failure to do so would jeopardize the implementation of the Accra Peace Agreement and the long-term stability of Liberia. It emphasized that with the end of the DD programme, the armed factions shall cease to exist as called for in the Accra Peace Agreement.

It welcomed the convening by the World Bank in Washington DC on 24 September 2004 of a review meeting of the implementation of the Results Focused Transitional Framework (RFTF) to identify bottlenecks in the flow of resources pledged at the International Conference on Reconstruction for Liberia of 5-6 February 2004. In this context, it urged the international community to accelerate disbursements of pledges made at the Conference, particularly with regard to reintegration efforts and humanitarian needs.

The Contact Group reiterated its call on all Liberian parties to reaffirm their commitment to implement the Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement. It called on all parties to refrain from any actions that may jeopardize the work of the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL) and to work jointly in the interest of the Liberian people. In that regard, it emphasized the need for full transparency and accountability in the management of funds and expenditures by the NTGL and that any misuse of funds should be properly investigated and appropriate action taken. It called on all Liberian parties to engage constructively in the preparations for elections to be held in October 2005 and underscored that the date of the elections cannot be postponed.

The Contact Group recognized the necessity of lifting UN Security Council sanctions on timber and called on the NTGL to accelerate the implementation of internal reforms that will ensure the legitimate use of funds to benefit the people of Liberia. The ICGL called on the International Community to continue to support the NTGL in its efforts.

The Contact Group reiterated its call on all States in the region to support fully the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, to prevent their territories from being used by armed elements to destabilise their neighbours, and to strengthen regional cooperation. The Contact Group welcomed the enhanced dialogue between the Heads of State of the Mano River Union and urged them to cooperate closely on cross-border issues.

The Contact Group underlined the need for democratic and economic reforms to be undertaken throughout the subregion for the long-term stability and development of the West Africa Region.

The Contact Group considered its mandate in the light of recent developments in Liberia and its neighbours. Aware of the linkages between the conflicts in the region and recognizing the need to take fully into account regional dynamics, and in order to strengthen the regional approach to peace and security, the Group decided to extend its remit to the Mano River Basin (Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea-Bissau).

It was agreed that the Contact Group would remain seized of the matter through regular meetings.

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