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2008 Congressional Budget Justification
The CBJ summarizes USAID activities and funding in South Africa.

2005 Annual Report [43kb - PDF]
In-depth description of USAID activities in South Africa, organized by sector.

USAID/South Africa Links

Success Stories
Country Profile (pdf,145kb)
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Global Health: HIV/AIDS
Building Democracy
FRAME: Knowledge Sharing for the Natural Resource Community

USAID/South Africa Mission

Web Site:

Mission Director:
Carleene Dei

Local Address:
USAID/South Africa
P.O. Box 43
Pretoria 0027
South Africa
Tel: 27-012-452-2000
Fax: 27-012-452-2399

Construction worker

A new government office building was constructed by historically disadvantaged small business contractors in a public-private partnership coordinated by USAID. This partnership ultimately generated a savings of over $200 million compared to what the project would have cost if constructed by the government.

South Africa

USAID's Strategy in South Africa

In 2004, South Africa celebrated a decade of liberation and held its third consecutive national democratic elections. The South African government is committed to economic freedom and has invested heavily in its people. The country plays a key economic and political role in Africa. However, joblessness, HIV/AIDS, crime, and corruption drain public support for South Africa’s hard won democracy. South Africa’s greatest challenges in the decade ahead are to ensure that the epic changes made in this first decade of freedom are consolidated and benefit the lives of most South Africans. USAID programs focus on education, economic growth and employment, HIV/AIDS and health, democracy and governance, and housing and municipal services.


The legacy of apartheid’s unequal education system is deeply rooted in South Africa. USAID's education program supports transforming the public school system into one that offers quality learning conditions and programs through activities that develop specific skills and address institutional change. Under the President’s Africa Education Initiative, USAID is training math and science teachers and helping to develop learning materials in 10 languages. USAID assistance has increased the third grade student pass rates in literacy and numeracy in targeted schools by 8 percent since 2001.


In a 2004 survey, South Africans ranked unemployment—estimated at between 27 and 41 percent—as the country’s most serious problem. For many historically disadvantaged farmers and entrepreneurs, USAID’s services are the only forms of assistance and mentoring they receive. USAID facilitates technical assistance and training to help small- and medium-sized firms identify new markets, build production and management capacity, secure financing to expand and, ultimately, to create sustainable private sector employment. In FY 2004, the USAID employment creation program generated over 3,000 jobs and more than $279 million in sales in the small and medium business and agribusiness sectors. USAID's economic policy program also supports South African economists and parliamentarians to better analyze economic issues and make sound policy decisions.


With 5.6 million infected citizens, South Africa has more HIV-positive people than any other country. USAID works with South Africa to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS and improve primary health care services for all. Over the past seven years, USAID has helped transform primary health care in the Eastern Cape, one of South Africa’s poorest provinces. Primary health care services are now available at the 689 clinics in the province, reaching more than 6.4 million people. South Africa is also a focus country under President Bush’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. With USAID funding, Takalani Sesame, the South African version of Sesame Street, continued its television and radio programming that reaches pre-school children with messages about HIV/AIDS through the HIV-positive Muppet “Kami.”


While official statistics show that crime rates are slowly declining, crime remains a central concern for the government because it has a direct impact on people’s lives and undermines public confidence and investment. USAID is helping South Africa’s Department of Justice to save millions of dollars by streamlining administrative procedures in three provinces in order to handle court cases more efficiently, generating cost savings of up to $3 million per province, and is training investigators and prosecutors in skills needed to secure convictions in corruption cases. USAID support to help restructure South Africa’s court system has led to an 11 percent reduction in the case backlog in district courts. USAID helped South Africa draft legislation that establishes the framework for local governments to raise revenue and provide services to their citizens. USAID is also providing support to South Africa’s government and nongovernmental organizations to assist victims of violence, especially rape.


Almost 10 million historically disadvantaged South Africans still live in slums that lack basic shelter, drinking water, sanitation, solid waste disposal, electricity, and safe and affordable transportation. USAID programs aim to increase the access of these households to municipal services and support policies that lead to sustainable urban management. Over the last five years the program has reached 3.3 million poor households with improved or new services in water, power, sanitation, and shelter. USAID/South Africa also implements President Bush's Water for the Poor, Clean Energy, and Global Climate Change Initiatives.

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Tue, 12 Feb 2008 12:41:07 -0500