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2004 Highlights

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"Highlights" items focus on newsworthy events sponsored by the Department to strengthen the workforce and the business community.

December 2004
ILAB’s National Administrative Office Renamed; Request for Comments on Procedural Guidelines Opens

New Amendment Enacted Under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program

November 2004
Tips for Employers on Safe and Sober Workplace Parties
With the holiday season upon us, employers may want to consider their approach to workplace celebrations. DOL's Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace program addresses steps employers can take to help prevent impaired driving in their communities and send their employees a safe and sober message about workplace parties and drinking.

DOL Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2004 Performance and Accountability Report
The theme of this year's report is "Serving the Needs of a Changing 21st Century Workforce." Here we are reporting for the first time on our new fourth strategic goal, "A Competitive Workforce." It complements our three other strategic goals of "A Prepared Workforce," "A Secure Workforce," and "Quality Workplaces."

October 2004
The Labor Beacon Newsletter Highlights Issues of Interest to Minority Communities
The Labor Beacon Newsletter is a monthly publication of the Department of Labor highlighting issues of interest to minority communities.

VETS Releases USERRA Public Service Announcement
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) provides reemployment rights following qualifying service in the uniformed services. USERRA also prohibits employers from discriminating or retaliating against persons on the basis of their military service/obligations, intent to join a uniformed service or actions taken to enforce any person's rights under USERRA. As our nation continues its war on terrorism, the activation of thousands of National Guard members has made protecting their employment rights one of the Department of Labor's highest priorities. This 30-second Public Service Announcement is directed at private and public employers and reminds them of their role and legal responsibilities under USERRA in reemploying Guard and Reserve members coming off of active duty.

September 2004
"Hire Vets First" Campaign Launches October 1
The President’s National Hire Veterans Committee is pleased to announce that the Web site is now available. The Web site provides information on the Hire Vets First initiative and directs businesses interested in hiring veterans to America’s Service Locator ( or to 1-877-US2-JOBS to find their closest One-Stop Career Center for services. The Web site also refers veterans interested in employment opportunities to their nearest One-Stop Career Center via the same methods.

Labor Department Posts Draft Regulations for Law that Safeguards Guard and Reserve Members' Jobs and Benefits
DOL announced that it has published draft regulations in the Federal Register that interpret the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act of 1994 (USERRA). Congress passed USERRA to safeguard the employment rights and benefits of service members upon their return to civilian life.

DOL Launches Online elaws Advisor on Revised Overtime Security Regulations
DOL developed a new Web tool to help employers and employees learn about the revised overtime exemption rules that went into effect August 23, 2004. The elaws FLSA Overtime Security Advisor helps individuals and businesses understand whether a particular employee is entitled to overtime protection by asking questions about his or her primary job responsibilities and compensation. Then, based on the user's responses, the system makes a determination as to whether or not that employee is likely to be exempt from FLSA's overtime pay requirements.

Secretary Chao Receives Community Leadership Award from Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
The Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund honored Secretary Chao for her support of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The award was presented during the organization's 2004 Community Leadership dinner.

DOL Provides Assistance to Workers Affected by Hurricanes
Information on employment and support services for workers and safety and health information and resources for those assisting with disaster cleanup.

Creating Opportunities for Asian Pacific Americans
As the first American woman of Asian descent to be in a President's Cabinet, Secretary Chao has always stated her commitment and strong ties to this community. Under her leadership, DOL has made significant contributions to the advancement of the Asian Pacific American (APA) community through its human capital program, enforcement priorities, compliance assistance efforts and partnership activities.

August 2004
New Online elaws Advisor Clarifies Federal Contractor Coverage and Compliance Requirements
A new elaws Advisor helps federal contractors and subcontractors understand basic coverage and compliance requirements for the equal employment opportunity laws administered by DOL’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). To do this, the elaws Federal Contract Compliance Advisor asks users to answer a series of simple questions and then, based on their responses, generates a customized list of the OFCCP equal employment opportunity laws that likely apply to their business and provides links to relevant compliance assistance materials.

Employers Encouraged to Recognize Recovery Month in September
September 2004 is the 15th Annual National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month celebration, and businesses are encouraged to participate. This month-long campaign highlights the significant strides made in substance abuse treatment and educates that addiction to alcohol and other drugs is a chronic, but treatable, public health problem that impacts all segments of society, including the workplace. Learn more about ways employers can contribute.

July 2004
DOL Launches Web Site for Homeless Service Providers
This Web page highlights DOL's efforts towards achieving employment for America's homeless population.

Secretary Chao Launches National Education Campaign to “Build Wealth at Work”
Secretary Chao unveiled a series of print public service announcements that encourage workers young and old to make a commitment to save more by participating in retirement plans at work. As part of its Retirement Savings Education Campaign, DOL partnered with the Consumer Federation of America to develop the advertisements.

May 2004
Labor Department Achieves Highest Rating for Strategic Management of Human Capital
DOL recently achieved the highest rating for the Strategic Management of Human Capital component of the President’s Management Agenda. The Office of Management and Budget raised DOL’s status to the top rating of “green” for DOL’s accomplishments in the strategic management of human capital in its most recent quarterly scorecard.

Secretary Chao Praises Children’s World Congress
Secretary Chao praised the efforts of an international assembly of 500 children and world leaders who met in Florence, Italy at the Children’s World Congress to find better ways to combat the worst forms of child labor.

Labor Department Announces Expansion of
DOL celebrates the second anniversary of its groundbreaking government-to-citizen e-Gov initiative,, at an event featuring Deputy Secretary of Labor Steven J. Law and Congressman Adam Putnam, R-FL. The event demonstrated the effectiveness of this award-winning Web site for the American public, including the debut of En Español and expanded state program information.

March 2004
Office of Compliance Assistance Policy Launches New Partnerships for Compliance Assistance Program (PCAP)
DOL partners can play a vital role in the federal government’s compliance assistance efforts. They help DOL communicate important educational messages to the public, while helping businesses and others comply with federal employment laws. DOL partnerships help further the Department’s dedication to protecting the wages, health benefits, retirement security, safety and health of America’s workforce.

White House Releases 2004 Progress Report for President's New Freedom Initiative for People with Disabilities
Announced in February 2001, the New Freedom Initiative is President George W. Bush’s plan to tear down the remaining barriers to full integration into American life that many of America's 54 million citizens with disabilities still face. This progress report highlights accomplishments under the New Freedom Initiative since the issuance of the May 2002 progress report.

Secretary Chao Hosts White House Web Chat
Secretary Chao fields questions from the American public.

Employers Encouraged to Participate in National Alcohol Screening Day in April
National Alcohol Screening Day (NASD) will be held April 8 as part of Alcohol Awareness Month. The Department of Labor's Working Partners program is cooperating with NASD coordinator, Screening for Mental Health, Inc., to encourage employers across the country to participate. NASD educates people about alcohol use and its health effects by making confidential screening available so that individuals can assess their own drinking habits and privately determine whether they need help to change those habits.
Learn more about how employers can participate.

Register Now for the March 10 Women's Entrepreneurship Summit in Cleveland, Ohio
An action-packed event offering cutting-edge insights on the most pressing concerns of women business owners today.

DOL Provides Safety, Health and Return-to-Employment (SHARE) Initiative Data
On January 9, 2004, President Bush announced the Safety, Health and Return-to-Employment (SHARE) Initiative directing federal agencies to establish goals and track performance in 4 major areas. Federal agencies are charged with lowering workplace injury and illness case rates, lowering lost-time injury and illness case rates, timely reporting of injuries and illnesses and reducing lost days resulting from work injuries and illnesses.

February 2004
elaws FirstStep Employment Law Advisor Helps Businesses Determine Coverage and Responsibilities under DOL Laws
The elaws FirstStep Employment Law Advisor is an interactive, online tool that helps employers quickly determine which of the major employment laws administered by the Department of Labor apply to their business or organization by answering a series of simple questions. It then provides easy-to-access information about how to comply with the laws' requirements.

DOL Releases Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Information
The 21st century workplace demands a competitive workforce. And in fiscal year 2005, DOL is poised to deliver. With enhanced employment and training initiatives and strengthened worker protection efforts, DOL will continue to play a lead role in accomplishing the President’s domestic agenda.

January 2004
Webcast Features Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Ready4Work Program
This 10-minute video highlights the Exodus Transitional Community prisoner reentry program in East Harlem, NY. Julio Medina, the Executive Director of Exodus, and his staff help ex-offenders returning to neighborhoods in Harlem rebuild their lives, assimilate into society, train for work, and find sustainable employment.

New "DOL Events Calendar" Will Serve as Online Guide to Upcoming DOL Events
Provides a single location on the DOL Web site for information about DOL public outreach activities, including conferences, seminars, and workshops.

DOL Now Accepting Applications for MBA Fellows
Secretary Chao today announced that the Department of Labor is accepting applications for a third class of MBA Fellows to begin work at the Cabinet agency in June 2004. MBA Fellows participate in an intensive two-year training and development program that is designed to provide them with competencies needed for future leadership positions within the government. The third class of Fellows will serve from June 2004 through May 2006, at which point they will be eligible to join the Department as full-time career employees.

DOL Releases Annual Report on Performance and Accountability for Fiscal Year 2003
This report, prepared in accordance with the Reports Consolidation Act of 2000, presents the results of the Department’s program and financial performance for FY 2003. The Annual Performance Report conveys, through data, analyses and examples, progress in achieving the Department’s goals. The appendices provide additional details and explanatory materials supporting the program results. The Financial Performance Report demonstrates our commitment to effective stewardship over the funds DOL receives to carry out the mission of the Department, including compliance with relevant financial management legislation. The Audit Report is an independent opinion on the Financial Statements provided by the Department’s Office of Inspector General. The Management and Performance Challenges section of this report summarizes the top management issues identified by the Department’s Inspector General and the Department’s progress and plans to meet these challenges.

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