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OSHA News Release
2003 - 05/14/2003 - OSHA Announces Worker Safety and Health Partnership in Construction of Barron County Courthouse Project

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Region 5 News Release V-227
May 14, 2003
Contact: Brad Mitchell
Phone: (312) 353-6976

OSHA Announces Worker Safety and Health Partnership in
Construction of Barron County Courthouse Project

EAU CLAIRE, Wis. -- The U.S. Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), through its Eau Claire, Wis. Area Office, has entered into a partnership with Market & Johnson, Inc., designed to protect workers at the Barron County Courthouse Project construction site now underway in Barron, Wis.

"Construction remains a dangerous occupation," OSHA Area Director Timothy L. Kobernat, Eau Claire, remarked. "What better place to showcase how cooperation between government and employers can lessen the risk to working men and women than in the construction of a government facility."

Under the terms of the partnership, contractors must meet stringent safety guidelines that include: maintaining a site-specific safety and health program that ensures employee involvement; providing all new employees a comprehensive safety orientation, and providing training for employees on hazards and regulations applicable to their work, prior to commencing work as well as weekly tool box talks. Additionally, referrals to the state Health Consultation Service will be made when the potential for health issues such as carbon monoxide, silica, or large-scale use of chemicals in the building interior arise.

In return for meeting these criteria, OSHA will not target the job site for planned or programmed inspections. One unannounced inspection of the work site will be conducted by OSHA during the course of the construction project, which is expected to last for over a year. OSHA will still conduct inspections in response to reports of imminent danger, a fatality or catastrophic accident.

OSHA's Eau Claire Area Office can be reached at (715) 832-9019.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is dedicated to saving lives, preventing injuries and illnesses, and protecting America's workers. Safety and health add value to business, the workplace and life. For more information, visit


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