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OSHA News Release
2003 - 05/07/2003 - Protecting Connecticut Hospital Workers' Safety and Health is Focus of Free OSHA/Yale Outreach Session May 23rd in New Haven

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Region 1 BOS 2003-088
May 7, 2003
Contact: Ted Fitzgerald
Phone: (617) 565-2074

Attention: Business News /Business Calendar Editors:
Protecting Connecticut Hospital Workers' Safety and Health is Focus of
Free OSHA/Yale Outreach Session May 23rd in New Haven

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. -- Protecting Connecticut's hospital workers against on-the-job injuries and illnesses is the subject of free outreach seminar to be held Friday, May 23 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Yale Office of Environmental Health and Safety, Training Room # 15, 135 College St., in New Haven.

Members of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Bridgeport office and the Yale Occupational and Environmental Medicine Program will brief hospital employers on the programs, procedures, working conditions and hazards OSHA examines during comprehensive safety and health inspections at a hospital. Participants will be provided information on patient handling, ergonomic hazards, walking and working surfaces and proper disposal of medical waste, among other topics.

According to Robert Kowalski, OSHA's Bridgeport area director, the outreach session is being conducted as part of OSHA's regional emphasis program on hospital safety, a program that will include comprehensive inspections of hospitals with higher than average lost workday rates.

"This training offers hospital employers an opportunity to review their procedures, programs and working conditions, to enhance and improve them before OSHA conducts an inspection," said Kowalski, who noted that effective workplace safety and health programs can prevent injuries and illnesses, decrease workers' compensation costs and absenteeism, while increasing productivity and morale.

There is no charge for the session, but seating is limited. Participants are asked to contact Leona May, Bridgeport OSHA's compliance assistance specialist, at 203-579-5581, to register.

WHAT: Free Safety & Health Training Seminar for Connecticut Hospitals, sponsored by OSHA and the Yale Occupational and Environmental Medicine Program
WHEN: Fri., May 23, 2003 - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: Yale Office of Environmental Health and Safety, Training Room #15 135 College St. New Haven, Conn.
CONTACT: To register, or obtain further information, call Leona May, OSHA Compliance Assistance Specialist, @ 203-579-5581

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