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OSHA News Release
2004 - 10/28/2004 - OSHA Cites Ice Manufacturer for Exposing Florida and Georgia Employees to Health and Safety Hazards

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Region 4 News Release
Release Number: 04-2162-ATL (255)
Date: Thursday, October 28, 2004
Contact: James Borders     John Deifer             Jo Anne Burgoyne
Phone:   (904) 232-2895     (912) 652-4393     (404) 562-2076

OSHA Cites Ice Manufacturer for Exposing Florida and Georgia Employees to Health and Safety Hazards

ATLANTA -- The U.S. Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has cited Reddy Ice Corporation for alleged violations of safety standards following investigations at the company's facilities in Jacksonville, Fla., and Albany, Ga.

"Strong enforcement is a key part of this Administration's efforts to reduce worker fatalities, injuries and illnesses," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "The significant penalty of $213,200 in these cases demonstrates our commitment to protecting the health and safety of American workers."

On May 3, OSHA began a fatality investigation at the Jacksonville Reddy Ice facility, located on Edison Avenue. According to investigative findings, an employee was fatally injured after being caught in an unguarded ice-leveling auger. Reportedly, the company was aware of prior injuries caused by the unguarded machinery, but failed to correct the hazard. OSHA issued a willful citation and proposed the maximum $70,000 penalty.

The agency is also proposing additional penalties totaling $126,000 for 20 other alleged safety and health violations. OSHA alleges the company failed to develop, implement and monitor: safety management programs for an ice manufacturing process; a respirator program for employees in case of an ammonia release; and an audiometric testing program that included training for employees exposed to noise. The company also allegedly failed to provide employees exposed to corrosive chemicals with adequate eye and body drenching stations.

Following an Aug. 3 complaint inspection of the Albany, Ga., facility on West Society Avenue, the company received five citations with proposed penalties of $17,200. Alleged violations include failure to train and certify employees who operate powered industrial trucks; failure to develop and implement logout-tagout procedures that would render machinery inoperable during maintenance and repair; and improperly labeling chemical containers and electrical equipment.

The Dallas, Texas-based company has 15 working days to contest the OSHA citations and proposed penalties before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. The Florida worksite was inspected by staff from the Jacksonville OSHA office, 1851 Executive Center Dr., Room 227, phone: (904) 232-2895. The Georgia worksite was inspected by staff from the Savannah OSHA office, 450 Mall Boulevard, Suite J, phone: (912) 652-4393.

The Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration conducted almost 40,000 inspections in fiscal year 2003, and more than half focused on high-hazard industries. Employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace for their employees. OSHA's role is to assure the safety and health of America's workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health. For more information, visit


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