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OSHA News Release
2006 - 05/04/2006 - OSHA Forms Partnership With River City Construction on Boone Hospital Project

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Region 7 News Release:    OSHA/06-790-KAN
Date: Thursday May, 4, 2006
Contact: Norma J. Conrad
Phone: (816) 426-5481

OSHA Forms Partnership With River City Construction on Boone Hospital Project

COLUMBIA, Mo. -- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA); River City Construction, L.L.C.; and the Missouri Consultation Program have formed a partnership designed to reduce fatalities and serious injuries and ensure worker safety at the Boone Hospital Parking Deck project.

"The partnership signed today combines the cooperative efforts of labor, management, and government to effectively address all facets of jobsite safety on this project," said OSHA Regional Administrator Charles E. Adkins, a certified industrial hygienist. "The partnership allows for better use of OSHA resources and innovation in safety management and encourages more participation in the safety process from the construction community."

River City Construction President Jim Barr said, "We have always placed the highest value on the safety and well-being of our most valuable asset - our project employees. Through this partnership, we hope to demonstrate a model performance in our industry that others measure against and seek to attain."

"Working cooperatively with employers in a non-enforcement capacity is the keystone of our Consultation Program. By touching this group of small contractors at this project, we can help them in the development and implementation of effective safety management systems that will follow them forward into future construction endeavors," said Robert Simmons, director of the consultation program. The free services of the Missouri On-site Safety and Health Consultation Program can be requested by calling Simmons at 573-751-1223.

Plans to achieve the goals of this partnership include establishing a system to collect and analyze injury and illness trends by all contractors performing work at the site; implementing a comprehensive jobsite inspection program; monitoring all toxins, carcinogens or hazardous substances; and ensuring that employees receive adequate safety and health training, especially Hispanic subcontractors with non-English speaking workers.

The program will be evaluated annually and River City Construction and its subcontractors will remain subject to OSHA inspections in response to complaints, referrals, or in the event of fatalities. The four-level, 150,000 square foot parking deck will accommodate 476 cars. A total of 26 subcontractors will perform the work on the 16-month project.

Employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace for their employees. Information about OSHA's Strategic Partnership Program is available at

OSHA's role is to assure the safety and health of America's workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual process improvement in workplace safety and health. For more information, visit


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