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ETA News Release: [10/20/2005]
Contact Name: David James or Mike Volpe
Phone Number: 202-693-4676
Release Number: 05-1964-SAN

U.S. Department of Labor Announces $3.4 Million Grant To Increase Skills of Arizona IT Workers

Grant Is Part of President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a grant of more than $3.4 million to raise the skills of Arizona's technology workers. The state will use the funds to develop new curricula leading to industry-recognized certifications in software quality engineering (SQE). The grant is part of $8 million invested to date in the IT sector under the President's High Growth Job Training Initiative, a strategic plan to prepare workers for jobs in expanding industries.

“Having a skilled information technology workforce is essential to keeping America competitive in the 21st century economy,” said Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. “This $3.4 million grant will help Arizona's community colleges train workers to get jobs in the fast growing information technology sector.”

The grant will enable Arizona to address a critical IT skill shortage. The state will implement three new course curricula in software quality engineering and testing. Curricula will include the design and implementation of e-learning modules and instructor-led learning. Students successfully completing final exams for all three courses will earn industry-recognized SQE certifications from IBM.

Development of educational materials will be done in collaboration with the technical development education team at IBM and partner community colleges.

“Community colleges are increasingly important to training U.S. workers because they are equipped to address the workforce needs and demands of growing IT businesses,” said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training Emily Stover DeRocco. “The curricula developed through this project will open opportunities for Arizona software workers and will be replicated in many other schools across the nation.”

The project will train more than 1,500 individuals over a three-year period and equip approximately 20 community college instructors to deliver the new curricula. The program funded by this grant also will be added to the Department of Labor's list of training available for apprenticeable occupations.

The President's High Growth Job Training Initiative is a strategic effort to better prepare workers to take advantage of new job opportunities in high growth sectors of the American economy. Through executive forums with leaders of expanding industries, critical workforce gaps and issues are identified. Solutions are then created in cooperation with employers, educational institutions and the public workforce system. For more information, please visit


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