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ETA News Release: [05/08/2003]
Contact Name: Elissa Pruett
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676

Statement of U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao on Passage of the “Workforce Reinvestment and Adult Education Act”

WASHINGTON—U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao issued the following statement today upon passage of the “Workforce Reinvestment and Adult Education Act” (H.R. 1261) by the United States House of Representatives:

“The President and I are committed to ensuring that every American who wants a job has one. Workers need our help now and House passage of the “Workforce Reinvestment and Adult Education Act” is a giant leap toward getting them the employment and training services they need to better provide for themselves and their families.

“I want to congratulate and personally thank the House Leadership, Chairman Boehner, Subcommittee Chairman McKeon and the members of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce for dedicating all their time and talent to expanding the accessibility, responsiveness and, most importantly, success of our nation’s $11 billion workforce investment system. Today’s passage of “Workforce Reinvestment and Adult Education Act” is a tribute to these Members’ leadership and vision.

“We now look forward to working with the Senate to continue to transform and further integrate the One-Stop Career Center delivery system into a cohesive and demand-driven workforce investment system. We know the Senate shares the goal of improving the system to better respond to the changing needs of workers, business and the demands of our new economy. Together, Congress and the Administration can work to improve links with the private sector, post-secondary education and economic development systems to prepare the American workers for career opportunities in high-growth industries.”

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