The Office of Acquisition and Property Management (PAM) does not award financial assistance. To find information on Department of the Interior (DOI) financial assistance programs, please consult the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). The CFDA provides a short summary of each grant and cooperative agreement program, as well as contact information for the DOI bureaus that award grants and cooperative agreements. For information on specific grant and cooperative agreement opportunities under these financial assistance programs please visit, one of the President's E-Government Initiatives. allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant and cooperative agreement opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Reference Manual

UpdatedDepartmental Organization

Federal Assistance Award Data System

Federal Audit ClearingHouse

Financial Assistance E-gov Initiatives logo

Grants.Gov FIND and Standard Announcement Format - Final Policy & Guide

HHS Managing Partner Federal Register (1/17/2006) - Notice on Applications

Policy and Regulations

Public Law 106 - 107 Streamlining Initiative

Terms and Conditions

UpdatedVirtual Library

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