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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 26, 2006

Abu Sufian Al-Salamabi Muhammed Ahmed 'Abd Al-Razziq Designated Under Executive Order 13224

The Department of State on July 21 designated Abu Sufian Al-Salamabi Muhammed Ahmed 'Abd Al-Razziq (Abousofian Abdelrazik) under Executive Order 13224 for posing a significant risk of committing acts of terrorism that threaten the security of U.S. nationals and the national security. This action complements Treasury's designation of 'Abd Al-Razziq for his provision of administrative and logistical support to al Qaida.

Abdelrazik is a Canadian and Sudanese citizen of Sudanese origin who was closely associated with AbuZubaydah, Usama bin Laden’s lieutenant responsible for recruiting and for al-Qaida’s network of training camps in Afghanistan. Abdelrazik recruited and accompanied Tunisian extremist Raouf Hannachi for paramilitary training at the Khalden camp in Afghanistan in 1996 where al-Qaida and other UN-sanctioned terrorist groups were known to train. Abdelrazik advised another individual concerning al-Qaida training camps prior to this individual’s departure for these camps. Abdelrazik also told this individual that he had become personally acquainted with Usama bin Laden while attending one of these camps himself. Abdelrazik was a member of an extremist cell in Montreal, Canada whose members met in the Khalden camp. Members of this cell with whom Abdelrazik was closely associated included Ahmed Ressam and Abderraouf Jdey. Ressam attempted to attack Los Angeles International Airport in conjunction with the Millennium celebrations in January 2000. Jdey has been closely linked with al-Qaida operatives and involved in plans for conducting hijacking/terrorist operations.


Released on July 26, 2006

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