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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 5, 2006

Shared Vision and Structured Dialogue to Advance the Turkish-American Strategic Partnership


The relationship between Turkey and the United States is characterized by strong bonds of friendship, alliance, mutual trust and unity of vision. We share the same set of values and ideals in our regional and global objectives: the promotion of peace, democracy, freedom and prosperity. Thus, Turkey and the United States face common challenges and opportunities that demand our concerted efforts. These challenges and opportunities form the specific items of our common agenda for consultation and cooperation.

We agree to translate our shared vision into common efforts through effective cooperation and structured dialogue.

Turkey and the United States pledge themselves to work together on all issues of common concern, including promoting peace and stability in the broader Middle East through democracy; supporting international efforts towards a permanent settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict, including international efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of a two-state solution; fostering stability, democracy and prosperity in a unified Iraq; supporting diplomatic efforts on Iran’s nuclear program, including the recent P5+1 initiative; contributing to stability, democracy and prosperity in the Black Sea region, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Afghanistan; supporting the achievement of a just and lasting, comprehensive and mutually-acceptable settlement of the Cyprus question under the auspices of the UN and in this context ending the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots; enhancing energy security through diversification of routes and sources, including from the Caspian basin; strengthening transatlantic relations and the transformation of NATO; countering terrorism, including the fight against the PKK and its affiliates; preventing WMD proliferation; combating illegal trafficking of persons, drugs and weapons; increasing understanding, respect and tolerance between and among religions and cultures; and promoting together effective multilateral action to find solutions to international challenges and crises of common concern.

The United States strongly supports Turkey's accession to the European Union and the accession process now underway.

Our consultation and cooperation will also include enhanced bilateral relations with particular emphasis on economic and commercial relations and investments; defense/military cooperation; science and technology; and public diplomacy efforts and exchanges.


Turkey and the United States make use of several consultation channels at various levels. It is now time to develop a more structured framework to make our strategic partnership more effective and results-oriented.

In addition to the established High-Level Defense Group (HLDG), Economic Cooperation Partnership Council (ECPC) and Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) consultation mechanisms, we envisage four mutually-reinforcing tracks:

a) Expert-Level Consultations: They will be held as frequently as appropriate on issues of common concern.

b) Policy Planning Consultations: Regular meetings will be held between the Policy Planning Units to analyze tendencies, trends and developments from a strategic perspective, and to offer recommendations, as appropriate, in terms of policies to be pursued and means to be employed.

c) Broad-Based Dialogue: In our determination to enhance and diversify the scope of our relationship, we will actively promote bilateral exchanges among business groups, media, civil society, scientists and engineers, academicians and think-tanks, and educators and students. We will also facilitate opportunities for dialogue between the U.S. Congress and the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

d) High-Level Review: We will conduct a review at the level of Under Secretaries at least once a year to provide comprehensive and timely assessment and guidance.

Finally, the Secretary of State of the United States and the Foreign Minister of Turkey will remain in regular contact as required to develop this shared vision and structured dialogue.


Released on July 5, 2006

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