Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) is a highly
controversial issue. In theory, MCS is an adverse physical reaction to low
levels of many common chemicals. Chemical sensitivity is generally accepted as a
reaction to chemicals but debate continues as to whether MCS is classifiable as an
illness. There are a number of synonyms for MCS, including 20th century disease,
environmental illness, total allergy syndrome, idiopathic environmental illness,
and chemical AIDS.
Proposed theories to explain the cause of MCS include allergy, dysfunction of
the immune system, neurobiological sensitization, and various psychological
theories. There is insufficient scientific evidence to confirm a relationship
between any of these possible causes and symptoms. Due to the lack of definite
information an evaluation must be performed by a physician knowledgeable of the
symptoms of this condition.
The following questions link to information relevant to multiple chemical sensitivities in the workplace.